I'm getting to that point in the photos folder where it's kind of hard to make a coherent set of four that I actually like. Which is a problem. Not a big problem, obviously, but still.
So this week you get these four which are nominally colour themed... but there's also a case to be made for textures.
Also weird random shit.
This week's chicken chowder was... decent. Perhaps not quite thick enough, but it did make eight servings (nine technically, but I don't count the portion I have on Sunday).
Otherwise we return to the three DnD games this week. The Monday game continues, and I remain somewhat ambivalent to it. I mean it's fine, I just don't much care.
Wednesday's game was good. I started a new character I quite like (teenage human barbarian, because of course), who I'm actively playing as someone who stands back and doesn't take the lead in social situations. Which is a change for my DnD characters for the most part. It also kind of fits in with the way I'm feeling about playing the Wednesday game. And sometimes you just want to be able to run in and smash things.
I also dug into the role of male children in Ancient Sparta for his backstory, which was highly informative. And honestly, sounds like something that somebody made up, since it's so over the top. But it's actual history, which is always more out there than stuff people just made up.
Friday night's game was likewise good. Not super exciting, but good. We travelled with a "friendly" Mezzoloth for most of the game, and my character may or may not have flirted with him to keep him friendly and on side. I mean he was awesome because our DM made him so, but sometimes that's all it takes for a memorable NPC.
And next session we actually get out onto the plains of Hell. Or Avernus as it's also known. And I'm kind of excited. I'm sure it will all go tits up in a matter of seconds, but it'll be fun while it lasts.
Plus I'm going to transform into a Giant Eagle in the next game, so that'll be fun.
In other news, there is no news.
Today was still a rinse and repeat of the last... forever.
I was originally going to make some sort of chicken soup... I mean I know I made chicken soup last Sunday, but a different kind of chicken. And somewhere along the way it just turned into beefy tomatoey soup. Or it will when I make it.
Otherwise we shopped, we came back here, we watched a bunch of stuff on the YubTubs, we went and got some lunch and then Ma toddled off home.
So yeah.
Current mood:
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