
photo saturday: shrine

stone wordsshrine names

shrine namesdoor symbol
Life continues.

Which is kind of all you can say about the world right now.

I made pseudo minestrone soup this week. I say pseudo because I didn't use a recipe, I just threw a bunch of things that seemed like they should be in minestrone in a pot, and declared it good.

And it was good, to be honest.

There only ended up being one online game of DnD this week. And that was the Monday edition of the Friday game. And my character absolutely should be dead.But we have a kind DM. I mean, I say kind, she still handed us our asses. But nobody died.

And my character got into an argument with the new character, which was great... because big juicy roleplay is always great.

Wednesday's game was called off on account of birthday. Honestly, a birthday that should have been mentioned way, way earlier than it was. Or rather an inability to play because of said birthday should have been mentioned earlier. But, it meant I took a week off, and that wasn't the worst thing in the world.

And interestingly (or whatever), now that I think about it, the Friday game was also called off by a birthday. But a birthday not of one of the players, but one that removed half our group. So the remaining half (and by which I mean me and the other guy) still got together on Discord, talked shit and just hung out for a few hours.

Otherwise Friday was just plain weird.

It started off with me getting a little emotional over random YouTube videos... yeah, I know... but it's what happened. And it was fine, I did it, then I got up, started making the bed and just found myself crying again. I wasn't especially sad, I wasn't emotional at all really, but my body just had other plans.

So I cried while making the bed. I cried while having a shower. I cried shampooing my hair. I cried right up until the point I brushed my teeth. Because, it's hard to brush your teeth and cry. And it's not like I cried solidly that whole time. It was just clear that my body had plans that didn't include me.

Very weird.

I have a feeling my body just had a build up of stress hormones and needed a way to dump them before I needed to go out and do things in the world.

Because that was the other part of the day. Going into the world. It started with a trip into the city for my chiro appointment. I considered just taking the car, but ended up deciding on the bus. And wearing gloves. Because gloves.

I had the whole bus to myself. Except for the driver, obviously. But it was still weird. As was being in town for the first time in... I dunno, four, five weeks. Whenever my last chiro appointment was. And while I wouldn't call it "deserted" by any specific definition, it was definitely sparse.

So I did the chiro thing, wandered along the Mall, because I just wanted to see what everything was like.


I came home, shared the bus with one other person.

And then, because of today's half-day public holiday, I went to the supermarket. Alone. On a Friday. At noon. On the day before a half-day public holiday.

Yes, those of you paying attention will understand that while necessary, it was a bad idea. I mean it wasn't a disaster, but too many people, and not enough of them seemingly paying attention. To what they're doing or what other people are doing to be honest.

But I did what I needed to do, got my stuff and stuff for Ma... if it wasn't for the current state of the world, it would have felt very much like the bad old days after Ma was recovering from her shoulder injury.

Then I came home and made bread. Because Ma still came down this morning, but we didn't go shopping, so I decided to make bread. Turns out I haven't made bread at all in almost 30 days (not counting the hot cross buns)... and I haven't made bread to actually share with people in around 40 days. And I missed it. Both the making and the sharing... but mostly the making with the intention of sharing.

Anyway, Ma came down in the morning, we ate bread, watched crap on the YubTubs and whatnot and then she headed off home.

So yeah, life indeed continues.

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