
photo saturday: kite colours

black tailsorange sky

wave dancersand wings
Late Autumnal sunshine... if I was a housecat I would lie on my back in it and dissolve into the catpuddle state. Otherwise, I'm just grateful that this apartment is orientated where Summer sunshine doesn't actually hit the front windows of my apartment, whereas Autumn and Winter comes right in the door.

I feel like that was massively incoherent, but I've been staring at a blank screen for a while, so that's what you get. Which may be a metaphor for this week. Or not... I may have forgotten what a metaphor is also.


I made beef and vegetable soup this week. I bought the "wrong" kind of beef to be honest. As in one that didn't fall apart after cooking, like a gravy beef... I mean it wasn't bad, just not what it could have been. I also cooked the onion with some balsamic vinegar which was interesting, flavour wise.

On a totally unrelated note, I discovered a couple of amazing movies this week. In a genre that I didn't even necessarily know was a thing... Korean zombie movies. The movies in question are Rampant and Train to Busan.

Rampant is doubly unique in that it is also a period movie... and I don't think there are many period zombie movies (that are actually good). It's not quite a "wire-fu" movie, and I will say that one of the things that entranced me was the costume design (because who doesn't love a fabulous hat). Train to Busan is just AMAZING though. An interesting zombie mechanic, a great location (the aforementioned train) and a hell of an ending.

Both movies have a similar narrative structure in a number of ways, which I actually didn't mind, because there's always going to be some level of formula to this type of movie, and it worked well in both cases.

So if you like the zombie genre, take that as a recommendation.

This week's DnD games counted to a total of one. In the first case caused by non epidemic sickness of small child and in the second case, because I just wasn't feeling the Wednesday game. Honestly I don't even know if there was a Wednesday game. I haven't checked.

 Friday night's game was decent... the first one we've actually done in... I dunno... a month maybe... three weeks certainly. And we did very well for the first half, and then during the second half it was combat after combat after combat. Not sure there was anything we could have done about some of them, but some of it got confusing.

And the explanation for the confusion will have to wait until next week. So there's that.

Otherwise the week was a whole lot of nothing.

And I'm still waiting for news about when someone is coming to fix my oven door. Which I will definitely follow up next week.

Today was 100% rinse and repeat. Supermarket with latex gloves and social distancing. The ingredients for a chowder based soup. YubTubs. And then we took the trip to Haighs we attempted last week. And succeeded.

And that was that.

Current mood:

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