
photo saturday: wood metal and stone

foot stooljunk bird

captain goes downorca pattern
Well... seven days do indeed constitute a week. So it has in fact been a week.

Actually it wasn't anywhere near as bad as that possibly makes it sounds.

I decided to "finish" the dyeing of my chair covers on Monday. And got a most grievous injury. Well, I got a blister on the end of my middle finger. Such trauma, much blister, wow. That's not a thing any more is it. Anyway.

Yes, I threw the covers in my little red wheelie bin with the liquid dye and what was actually the first time I bothered trying to measure out the water. And then I sat there and manually agitated the covers in the dye water for two hours. Two fucking hours. Which is possibly what I should have fucking done the previous two times. Disregarded the instructions and just left them in the dye for as long as humanly possible. Because it worked much better. And maybe that was the fact I used the right amount of water, who the fuck knows. It's still not scarlet, but it's better.

However, sitting there moving thick wet fabric around in hot water while wearing rubber gloves and getting small mounts of water in said gloves lead to the aforementioned blister. I realised what was happening a little too late, but once I did I switched hands and took the glove off on the blistered hand. And then totally burst the blister when I was up to my everything in warm and cold water trying to rinse the dye out.

But it's all done now. Either just for now, but more probably just done done.

Tuesday was Pancake Day... which also means it's the one day of the year that I actually make and eat pancrepes. Technically they're crepes, but I just like saying pancrepes. And it may have been the first batch that I've made where they just seemed to work perfectly from the very beginning. Which is nice. I'm suggesting that the reason was that I greased the pan with butter, because butter fixes almost everything.

So a belly full of lemon and sugar pancrepes and Nutella pancrepes (and one Nutella and banana pancrepe) and I was a very happy boy for another year.

Wednesday was 100% DnD Day.

The day game was good... we rounded out the trilogy we've been playing the last (unsurprisingly) three weeks. And it was one of those modules were the writers clearly get their heads too deep into their own assholes (it's definitely a thing that happens more than it should), and the final monster was supposed to trigger the players running away because it's "so dangerous", turning into a chase (never, ever the mark of a good DnD module... I've never seen a chase scene in a module that worked as written)... we said "fuck that" to that idea because there had already been a chase/race mechanic in the module (that also wasn't clear, didn't work, and wasn't interesting or satisfying).

So we stood our ground and fought. And killed the monster inside two rounds. Yay paladins, rogues and the Polymorph spell.

And it was much better than the "scripted" ending.

Then the Wednesday night crew went back to our "original" characters for the next few weeks, which is good because I don't have to rush prepping my adventure. It was good to go back to them, but the buttkicking we generally do was curtailed by the lack of our cleric plus our tank and our rogue being heavily sidelined. It wasn't bad, but it took us basically four hours to get halfway through the adventure.

Friday night's DnD bread was thematically appropriate for our first adventure in the Nine Hells... I included a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a teaspoon of paprika, which don't sound like a lot out of four cups, but it ended up having a nice bit of heat to it.

Also, our entry into the first level of Hell was interesting... not quite what I was expecting, but it makes sense I guess to not completely throw characters and players straight into the horror of Hell. But part of me just wanted to get out there and see what's what.

Today is a two part adventure.

We did the usual supermarket thing this morning, etc, etc. And then went into town to do a few errands, nothing terribly exciting honestly. Then Ma went home, to return later tonight for our first Fringe show.

Current mood:

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