
photo saturday: red and brown

red selfie girlroach sculptures

brown tables and white wallsbrown barricades in lego
All my everything is exhausted.

But, on the up side, my chair covers have now been dyed a deeper red colour... I'd almost call it a "red denim"... much better than the previous "red beige". Still not bright scarlet, but that ship has now officially sailed.

But back to the beginning.

What happened at the start of this week? Who the fuck knows... I did stuff, probably. I know I made veal schnitzel on Monday night using pulverised corn chips instead of breadcrumbs. I need to try it again with chicken... because chicken is just better than veal. Don't @ me.

Wednesday was a red letter day. To which you should apply the usual sarcasm filter. But I did have two DnD games for the first time since the beginning of November because my friends and acquaintances managed to remove their heads from their asses long enough for us to have a game. Yay. My character is an idiot and is in way over his head with multiple people, making promises he can't hope to fulfil. I have no earthy idea how or even if he's going to get out of it. And next week is going to be ostensibly around 4 hours of nothing but battle. Let's see how many times I die this time... and whether he chooses to come back.

There was also the Wednesday day game... which was decent. But without anything particularly special to report.

Thursday night was Board Game Night... and I might have reached my limit on irritating people for the week at that point... It was fine, don't get me wrong, but I got somewhat annoyed at one point. I didn't ruin the game though, and we were all still on speaking terms at the end of it. So, yeah.

However, Thursday night when I got home I was sitting watching YouTube and there was an ant on my arm. And then there was a second ant. And then a third ant. Three ants is never good. I still don't know exactly where they were coming from, but I went to town with the bug spray over the following 24 hours and the little bastards seem to have fucked right off.

Friday I started off by realising I had a fridge full of tomatoes, plums and peaches that were beginning to circle the drain a little bit, so I went a little nuts and went back to the peach, nectarine and tomato relish (which I've still never made directly from the recipe, but who cares) I've made a couple of times before and ended up with six jars of it.

And then I went above and beyond and made myself a label. With good reason, because I fully intend to give almost all of this batch away. Especially because I made it on Valentine's Day... which, as previous history on this blog will back up, I actively don't give a shit about, but it was nice to make something to give to friends for V-Day.

Around 4:30 I got a phonecall from my chiro... I totally forget to put Friday's appointment in my phone and hence didn't remember to show up. Totally stood her up. Whoops. I'll go and mea culpa next Friday.

I gave some of the relish away to the Friday night DnD group, along with making a loaf of cranberry bread. It was good, but it could have done with a teeny touch more water, because putting dried fruit in always soaks up more water than any other bread I've made thus far.

We stopped the DnD game at an appropriate point and broke out the Sheriff of Nottingham board game, which is awesome fun. Not least of all because I won.

But it did mean I didn't get home until 1am. Totally worth it.

Today as previously indicated, ended up with me up to my elbows in red fabric dye. Well, metaphorical elbows... mostly.

We did the usual shopping thing this morning... blah blah fruit and veg, blah blah dairy, blah blah grocery, blah blah bakery. Then back here for the unpacking and blah blah blah.

Then I went to town on the fabric dyeing. And this time I didn't have to stand at the stove and boil the ever loving shit out of it. Instead I just filled my red wheelie bin with water and fabric dye and salt (because of course) and threw in both of my chair covers and two old white Bonds teeshirts that I never wear because they're white Bonds teeshirts. And then spent an hour moving the fabric around.

And ended up with tingling fingers, very sore everything, slightly pink hands and best of all much darker red covers. Not the scarlet I was originally wanting, but I did the best with what I had and the outcome looks good, and better than the previous version. Oh and two somewhat dark coral-y Bonds teeshirts. I get why I think, the teeshirts were only picking up the leftover dye after most of it ended up in the covers.

Then of course I had to rinse and rinse and rinse and rinse and rinse and rinse and it makes me tired just thinking about it. And when I appeared to have gotten all the dye out from rinsing, I washed them in the bathtub and suddenly it was red dye everywhere all over again. Repeat until insane. And now I just need to wait for them to dry before I can put them back on the chairs.

After they were drying I went to do a fairly simple task, put some popcorn from a bowl into a smaller plastic container. Something I've done a version of a billion times. But my fingers and hands were so buggered I dropped the bowl and the popcorn went all over the floor. Le sigh.

I am too damn tired now to clean up, so that's a problem for tomorrow.

Current mood:

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