I started out writing what became the OTHER post from today, thinking I would just phase it into the usual weekly roundup, before realising that no, it definitely needed to be it's own thing. So you get two posts today.
Let's see what else happened.
Oh, you know how I talked at length last post about the fact that I'd dyed my chair covers and they were possibly a little dark, but dark was just fine. They dried. They dried pink. A darker pink than they had been, but still pink. Well, looking at them, I honestly don't know what the fuck happened. But they're pink. Ish.
I'm guessing probably the ratio of dye to water and fabric was off. Who knows.
But they don't look bad.
Wednesday's DnD day game was decent, I gave up my arm (it grew back), we fought a dragon turtle, somebody died (nobody important, harsh but fair), my sailor got himself a folding boat. So a good time was had by all. And by all I mean me.
The evening game has it's own post... but it also means we're that much closer to me running the next campaign for the group. I have thoughts and plans.
This week Friday night got moved to Thursday night due to reasons, which was weird, but the game itself was pretty good. And we finally got to hell, which is the point of this particular game.
And I made sun dried tomato bread, which was really nice. I mean obviously, because sundried tomatoes are frequently awesome. But it was a good loaf.
Then Friday I had my updated chiro appointment after last weeks total failure. And because I'd made the appointment for 10:30 in the morning, I went for a wander afterwards and took a bunch of photos. It was nice, playing a little bit of home town tourist. Then I came home and the rest of the afternoon and evening was a big wack of nothing, since I'm used to going to DnD on Friday nights now.
Anyway... I survived.
Today wasn't especially thrilling. We did the usual supermarket thing, had a really, really good check out girly... she'd be a keeper, but as such we probably won't see her again any time soon.
Then we came back here, unpacked, did all the usual, and ended up doing a run back to Norwood to pick up a bunch of free stuff we got via their scratchcard promotion (woo, free shit), then stopped in at Spotlight to use a 40% off voucher Ma got, then we did a detour to a Woolworths store neither of us knew was there, before coming back here and calling it a day.
Current mood:
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