
photo saturday: street pinks

wonderwalls pinkwonderwalls jazz music

wonderwalls rdwonderwalls rathman mills
This week was certainly drier than last week. Well, the weather outside was drier.

As for inside, I had an rental inspection on Thursday, so that included the usual "douse the bathroom and kitchen in a layer of water, then clean" along with "sweep, then vacuum then mop the floors". So I always end up a little wet around the gills by the end of it all.

Thankfully unlike before the last inspection, both sides of my face continued to be functional throughout the week.

But, rolling back for a second. Monday I did the tidying and organising I always tend to do during these things. I mean it's good that I have times when I can do that... the theme of this one seemed to mostly be "old DnD paperwork". And cleaning the kitchen for the first time (I kind of ended up doing it at least twice because I cleaned, used the stove, then had to clean again before giving up and only using the oven).

Then Tuesday was the long slow version of taking everything possibly up off the floor, putting it on my bed and then cleaning the bathroom and sweeping, vacuuming and mopping the floor. Which always sounds like it shouldn't take that long, and always takes waaaaaaaay longer than that.


As always, while I hate going through the process of moving all the furniture, mopping the floor and whatnot, the best feeling ever is when it's all done and everything looks clean and sparkling and lovely.

Actually, the best feeling is coming home AFTER the inspection to a clean house.


The inspection was Thursday... I finished cleaning on Tuesday. Wednesday was kind of a holding pattern day. I mean I went to DnD, so I was out of the house for most of the day, which was good.

I also had trouble sleeping Wednesday and Thursday nights... not sure why, maybe the weather?

Then I cleared out of the house on Thursday morning for a couple of hours... thank goodness for Burnside Library, podcasts and DnD module prep. That evening I made olive bread for Friday night.

Friday I finally got around to doing a ton of DnD paperwork, I finished up the olive bread and then Fluffy came down, we talked crap for a while as we often do and then headed out for board games instead of DnD because reasons. Still a good night, and I enjoy the boardgames... but DnD is generally just more fulfilling.

Today was rinse and repeat. We did the supermarket thing, came back here, and ended up doing a trip to Spotlight again... for no real reason honestly.

And that's it really.

Current mood:

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