I got my Instagram photo calendar from Social Print Studio this week... and then they featured my photo of it on their Instagram story because I used the phrase "so damn girthy" to describe it, which genuinely made me laugh. I mean I always forget how big it is before I get the new one... but then it is 365 (this year 366) pages long.
Wednesday was interesting... my halfling cleric lost her head... literally.
Yep, a combination of pulling a level she shouldn't, a failed roll to half the damage and a high roll from the DM and the blade trap too her head off.
I mean she'll get better, but it was still definitely a moment. I think I've mentioned this before, but it always amuses me that whenever a character death has happened to me, I'm always a lot calmer than everyone else around the table. Maybe it's because I know that it's not really a big deal in Adventures League, there's always a fix... but it is interesting to watch everyone else's reactions.
Thursday was Haircut Day... also known as Small Children Haven't Gone Back To School Yet But Are End Of School Holiday Crazy. Yeah. Some trying moments, and I came home with a number of stickers stuck all the way up the inside of my left arm.
Yeah, I wind them up somewhat, so it's partly my fault... and the end of school holidays is always a disaster.
Otherwise, haircut as usual... we went a little more silver with the colour, which translated to me having purple tips in my hair for two days. Not the worst thing in the world.
Friday's DnD was good... I made bread with those big chocolate buttons, and it was fucking amazing.
Otherwise we kind of put an end to what feels like the "first act" of the story, and we're off to new and exciting places. It's also weird because in game we've only really been together as a group for maybe 5-6 days... but we're kind of sharing things in character like we've been together for the couple of months we've actually been playing.
Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with that, and it's honestly part of the territory sometimes... but in the context of the story, it's a little weird.
Now we get to pick a magic item... and there are too many interesting choices honestly. So that's going to take a few days of thought.
We also ran "late"... I mean we usually end up at or around midnight, but when Fluffy and I got in the car to leave I was surprised to see it was after 12:30.
Worth it though.
Today wasn't much of anything really to be honest.
We did the supermarket thing... I had half a thought that I might make chilli this week... but then it's also going to get hot towards the end of the week, so maybe not?
Ma brought back my now, admittedly, pink chair covers. Yeah, they're basically pink. Also, having sat in them for several hours this afternoon I can tell you that both the fabric and the design of these is significantly less comfortable than the original chair. That's mostly because of the piping, which is just in places that catches my legs in about five places. Urgh.
So they don't look bad, they fit pretty well, they look cleaner and less worn... but whoever designed these over at IKEA needs a big old slap... or just to be made to sit in them for extended periods of time.
I mean it could be because these covers are made for the newer design of the chair... which doesn't LOOK different... but clearly must be.
After unpacking and whatnot, we headed out to Spotlight... for the 100th time recently... for reasons.
I did pick up some other red dye, I'm not in any great rush to dye it again, but I might get inspired.
Otherwise we pottered around Spotlight for a bit, came back here, faffed around a bit and then Ma headed home.
Current mood:
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