
photo saturday: wall details


This week felt longer than it was for some reason... possibly because there wasn't a "holiday" in the middle of it.

I did need to contact my Ear Nose and Throat doctor for an appointment this week, only to discover that he has retired. So that meant I had to book an appointment with my GP in order to go in and get a new referral to another ENT. Blah.

And then of course they don't have an appointment before the end of the month, but I did do my usual "hey, put me on the cancellation list, and if you can squeeze me in earlier, great"... and of course, got another appointment at the end of next week instead. You gotta work it.

Anyway, thankfully the issue that flared up hasn't gotten worse, so while I still need to go, it's not quite as "argh, pain, annoyance, etc" as it could have been.

The weather also hasn't been able to make up it's mind this week, which is never good.

Wednesday was Daytime DnD... the evening collective will be getting a collective message probably tomorrow, basically just saying, "I presume we're starting again this week", and wait for somebody's brain to fall out of their ear.

The day game was... decent... ish. I mean the adventure was from Season 8, which is an overreaction to previous seasons and perceived problems that didn't actually exist, so it's TOO exploration and socially focused, and the players who don't excel at that stuff end up sitting around not getting involved. I am not one of those players.

But it wasn't the worst adventure either.

Thursday I revisited the peach, nectarine and tomato relish I adapted last year... and still didn't make it the way the recipe calls for. This one was peach, plum and tomato, and I added some chilli and ginger this time, plus a bunch of onions. I ended up with 5 jars of it, as opposed to last year's 3. And I still have one of those ones left.

Friday DnD was... slightly anticlimactic. I don't mean that in a mean or bad way... it's just that our DM just deus ex machina'd us out of the predicament we'd put ourselves in at the end of the last game. And yes, I might have done something similar in her position, but I had been kind of looking forward to seeing how, if at all, we managed to get out of it.

I mean, yes, we didn't all end up completely dead and wrecked... but still.

And my "murderess" character... yeah, she slit someone else's throat this week. This one she did with more purpose and less rage... but still to someone who had essentially "surrendered" to us, although he "deserved" it just as much. I spent a bunch of time thinking about her reasons after last week, and I now know the why for her actions. And yes, I'm aware of all the "air quotes" in that paragraph.

I've had characters who fall into place immediately, others that slowly become who they are over time, and then others who need a specific event (or events) for them to come into focus. I think she's the latter category. So we'll see what happens.

Oh and I made cranberry and walnut bread... pretty good honestly, I mean the cranberry is a classic, and the walnuts were a good addition.

Today was... irritating. Actually only partially.

The supermarket thing was about the usual. I still don't fucking know how to feed myself when it's not soup weather. I mean I do... but I get to the end of the week and have no anything nor the will to invent anything from nothing.

Afterwards we came back here and while I put things away and whatnot, I put the second part of the Doctor Who two parter on so Ma could rewatch it. I'm not super enthusiastic about the new series, mainly for the same reasons I wasn't enthusiastic about the last one. Too many uninteresting companions and a Doctor they don't quite seem to know what to do with.

Then we headed for IKEA. It wasn't a huge trip, but we picked up covers for my chairs (which will need dyeing because I'm not doing beige), I found a really cheap but decent looking plastic plant for the head of my baby Groot planter and grabbed a couple of magazine rack storage things, because you can never have enough of those.

Then we went to Kmart to pick up one of those cube "bookcases" for Ma... and then the self serve machine just had an existential crisis, wouldn't except cash, then freaked out and rebooted itself. It was... challenging.

From there it was a brief stop off at Officeworks just to drop off some printer cartridges for recycling, then detoured around to Spotlight to pick up the aforementioned fabric dye. That's going to be... an event. Thankfully I have a giant metal pot and a giant stove, so at least I can actually boil it as appropriate.

Yeah, pray for me.

And that was it.

Current mood:

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