Let's deal with this week in a sensible and orderly fashion...
Saturday night DnD was supposed to go in one direction and ended up going in a completely different direction, and my character ended up seducing one of the bad guys so we could capture him and use him as leverage. It was a good plan, and worked perfectly. Remember that when I get to Friday.
Sunday was regular.
Monday Ma called me first thing and said she wanted me to come with her while she bought a new bed. I really didn't need to be there, but I went anyway. The woman at the bed store was lovely, and now Ma is waiting on her first double bed in... 40+ years.
Tuesday, also known as New Years Eve has already been documented. But it wasn't much more than going through the motions.
Wednesday, aka New Years Day... likewise. And of course because it was a public holiday, no Wednesday DnD.
Thursday was TableTop Game Fortnight, and although I was hideously bad at it, I had a great time.
Friday was DnD Night again... and remember how I said we'd previously had a good plan that went well. We had a plan for last night. It wasn't a perfect plan, but it was a good plan. It went spectacularly pear shaped at a certain point. Lets be completely honest, it might have already gone pear shaped, but me killing the very pathetic bad guy that I think you're supposed to use to get past a much harder enemy further in was definitely a mistake.
In all the games of DnD I've played, I've killed a veritable fuckton of enemies... guards, bandits, cultists, spellcasters, undead, goblins, dragons, fighters of every kind, pirates and every kind of beast and monstrosity. I don't think I've ever murdered any of them essentially in cold blood. When they weren't actively fighting us. And I did it in a moment of anger from my character, which I think I can explain at the table, if not justify. But I legitimately had a moment afterwards when I definitely thought "wait, what did I just do?"...
Yeah, that one is going to stay with me for a while.
Don't get me wrong, it's going to be brilliant as far as character motivation and story moving forwards, but it also screwed over what we should have been able to do, and what we have to do next, so that sucks.
On the plus side, I made really good cheese bread.
Today wasn't too bad to be honest.
We did the usual supermarket thing... I feel like I didn't buy enough, because it feels like when it's not soup season, I've totally forgotten how the fuck to shop.
Then we took a detour to Haighs, and in the ongoing theme of the day, found that we were a week too late for the majority of the post Christmas bargains... or at least some of the good ones.
After unpacking we did the Big W, Target, Kmart triangle... ostensibly looking for bedding for Ma's new bed... but ended up mostly kicking tyres and looking through any of the post Christmas stuff, and found a few cute bits and pieces, including a tablecloth that turned out to be exactly twice as big as I need for my table, but still useful.
And that was it really.
Current mood:
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