
photo saturday: grumpy ghosthunter

orryn silverthread - addict, ghosthunter, grump

I've said it a few times of late, but the difference between some of my earlier Hero Forge models and what it's capable of now is pretty much night and day...

 In fact, Orryn, who appeared in a DnD Character Colouring Book after the post-Kickstarter HF 2.0 dropped now looks like the action figure version of this character. Part of that is the Face Customiser, part of that is the newer items being much less chunky than the older ones, part of it is just the many, many, many hours experience I've had posing the little fuckers.

I'll be honest, I do still want an updated (and two armed) version of Orryn's original jacket (also, more short katanas, technically wakizashi I guess) because I love that thing, but I also love the single armored arm. And the very grumpy face.

Orryn was my first gnome character (they're a race I just don't much care for, especially when comparing them with my preferred halflings), who I made for a one-shot back at the end of March... who is a class from the world of Critical Role, who took part in a solo adventure (one DM, one player) that was mostly The Witcher but with more than a little of the Mandalorian thrown in. Neither of which I have seen/played. But it wasn't bad. 

I didn't realise it until I was looking back through Discord messages that he was very much an "early days of lockdown" character, where we did the one on one session entirely through voice chat. And that that was so long ago while also feeling like it was literally five minutes ago.

Also yes, I liked the name so much that when it came time to design my first gnome who would survive beyond a single game, I reused it for Quillamina. An alternate universe branch of the family perhaps.

While this version is still a Critical Role Bloodhunter, I did think about re-imagining him as a Psi Warrior Fighter... or, as I mentioned at the time, possibly a Phantom Rogue (but as much as I love Rogues, I'm not sure that Phantom necessarily vibes for me without a very strong hook). But I'm also kind of feeling the need for a more close up melee character. It's not generally my thing, but there's some character with a sword sitting in the back of my brain and banging on various bits of grey matter. And I think it's definitely a sword... rather than any other weapon.

We'll have to see what happens when the new 2024 rule books drop towards the end of the year.

But part of the reason Orryn got a do-over was I was going through and clearing out some of the Hero Forge models I don't need anymore (mostly the old versions of character who now have updated faces), and one thing led to another.


So, at some point, I think I've brought up seeing the Indigenous weather calendars for various places around Australia, and the fact that while some places (mostly on the east coast) have up to 6 different seasons, and some places have as few as 2, the Kaurna calendar is more or less the same as the regular calendar, but just offset by a month. So Summer is January thru March, etc.

And honestly, that's my new calendar. Because we're at the start of March and having a heatwave as we speak.

Fun times. Although, honestly, much less stressful that it was back in the days when I had no aircon.

Otherwise, not much to report.

Not Thursday Night DnD because of reasons... the reason mostly being that the game is mostly cursed and it's going to take us for-fucking-ever to finally finish up the campaign.

Friday Night DnD was good... did I perhaps slightly stretch the capacity of what I was supposed to be able to do in a turn of combat... yeah, yeah, I did. But not on purpose. I just perhaps got a little over excited in the moment. It also didn't help because we were playing without a battlemap. And that always fucks me over.

But no harm, no foul.


Given the aforementioned heatwave, we did the supermarket slightly earlier (not THAT much earlier, but early enough that it seemed like the clowns had all escaped from the circus. Or, alternatively, the people who would normally go to the supermarket later went much earlier because of the heat.

But we did the shopping thing and then came back here and watched some YubTubs for a while before I sent Ma off into the world/home.

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