
photo saturday: undead druid boy

dal - guardian, shapeshifter, druid

There are times when I look back on the "hand coloured" minis I made back before Hero Forge did colour and I go... the fuck was I thinking? There are also characters where I go... awww, you poor bastard, you didn't stand a chance.

Dal is both of those things. Also, a halfling, because we know how I feel about halflings. He was, if memory serves, my second ever halfling.

Dal has been through some stuff. He spent a lot of time running around as a dinosaur defeating undead pirates. And as of the last time I played him, he's sitting out in the jungles of Chult on the edge of a ruined city with a ruby in his forehead, technically an undead creature. I kinda need to play another Moon Druid. I like the Circle of the Moon... changing into big dangerous animals is fun. Changing into dinosaurs, even more fun. And being a Ghostwise halfling and having the ability to communicate telepathically while in animal form.

The original DnD Character Colouring Book with him in it is from three years ago now, and the poor character didn't last beyond 2017 if I remember my timeline correctly. But I do like this version. The "octopus armor" is a magic item he got before he got fucked over by an adventure that was later changed. And I like this version with just one big embroidered octopus.


Very minor catastrophe this week... I was showering when I heard an almighty crash and the breaking of glass and I thought "well, that can't be in my house, I have all the windows wide open, surely that was from outside somewhere"... but I had to check, so I peaked around the corner into the living room only to discover that the big framed artwork that has sat, perfectly fine, on the chest of drawers, had done a 270° rotation swan dive off the top, landing face up on the floor, broken glass, thankfully, mostly still contained in and around the frame.

So, I did the only sensible thing and got back in the shower.

And then got dressed and put shoes on and spent about the next half an hour picking up thin shards of glass from atop the artwork and the surrounding floor.

Not a fun way to start a day really.

I also don't have any idea HOW it fell. Did I slightly nudge it when I put my book on it, was it already in the danger zone and the wind whipped through the house (see aforementioned windows) and nudged it past the point of no return.

Thankfully the artwork itself was predominantly unharmed, a couple of very minor nicks, but the frame is toast.

Thursday Night DnD was good... weirdly, this session made me more interested in reading the adventure when we're done with it, mostly because I want to read what the book outlines as the reasoning and ideas behind some of the elements. I've definitely formed a particular opinion about certain elements, and I'm not sure if they're because of the way things are written, the way DM Fluffy is running/playing them, who my character is or some combination of all of the above.

We're definitely in the final act though.

Friday Night DnD was... something different. Fluffy was off doing Fluffy Things, but we'd reached a point in the story where the other two characters were going off to do something without his character, so, we had a session anyway.

And... it was weird, right up until the point we actually started playing. It was weird not having Fluffy roll up on my doorstep, it was weird not having him in the passenger seat on the way there (and the way back), it was weird rocking up at the door sans Fluffy... it was just weird.

The session itself went... well. It wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be, and that's fine... with any D&D game, choices are made and those choices lead to situations and events. And in this case, that was a left when I'd assumed a right, but overall it was good. And, Fluffy, I told you I wasn't telling you anything... so go away now.

It was good to have some one on one time with Mr's character though.


Insert the Saturday Mix Tape... Supermarket, etc.

Although after that, we went on a little side trip to IKEA. Originally there had been a plan for looking at new armchairs and, obviously, frames. What ended up happing was that I decided that a frame I already had would serve for the time being... or, potentially, I'm considering going through some of my existing artwork and seeing if there's something I want to swap over to.

And as for armchairs, honestly, the issue is getting new chairs up the stairs and getting old chairs down the stairs... so, I'm going to try the "dye chair covers to a colour that isn't beige" trick that I attempted with varying degrees of success back in late 2019/early 2020. But I'm also not going to rush it this time around.

I'll also be honest, after reading the fucking instructions for dyeing things, I'm bordering on not giving a fucking shit because the whole "do it on the stove top" for items that are essentially 55% cotton and 45% polyester was something of a nightmare at the old house, and potentially even more of a nightmare here with a different stove top.

But like I said, I'm not going to rush into it... I'll give it some thought beforehand. And maybe this time, we don't try for bright red, since I don't know that that's going to happen anyway after last time. We'll see.

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