
photo saturday: old blood, new blood

orryn - cursed, haunted, bloodhunterorryn - cursed, haunted, bloodhunter
So... Hero Forge ran a very successful Kickstarter campaign back in January (their $42,000 goal was fully funded in 20 minutes, and they ended up getting over $3 million), and this week they dropped their Hero Forge 2.0 website, which now gives everyone the ability to colour your miniatures.

It did mean that the ability to download screenshots, which I've been using to make DnD Character Colouring Book entries, is now part of a pro account. Which makes sense as a business model, but is sad at the same time. Mostly because I now can't do my own colourings and character amalgamations/group shots.

It also took me several days to get to a place I was really happy with as far as the colouring is concerned. And there are still some colouring/designs I'm not completely pleased with. But this is just the first week (not counting when it was open for Kickstarter backers). And I know they have tattoos, shield decals, fabric patterns, make-up (I desperately want eyeliner, since almost all my character art ends up with eyeliner), war paint, scars and the like coming... and that shouldn't take a world of time now that it's live.

I'm also totally missing patterns and textures that just can't be done right now, but that I felt I was finally getting a handle on in Photoshop.

The problems I have right now basically boils down to colour intensity... especially in both the leather and the wood... There are almost none of the colour swatches that I like right out of the box. And a lot of the other colours end up feeling washed out. I will say that I really love the edge/crease detail colours, as seen on the shoulders of the leather jacket above. But I also need to keep reminding myself that these are miniatures designed to be printed at between 25mm and 28mm... and also that as much as I love Hero Forge and the fact that I have been using for years now totally free of charge, they're still a business, and their decisions should reflect that.

I will say that the redo of Orryn Silverthread was one of the ones that a) got the closest to the original overall (minus the aforementioned eyeshadow), but also kind of exceeded it in a lot of ways. Plus it's super weird being able to now view one of my characters not only in full colour but also in full 3D at the same time. It's also good that I can go in and tweak the colours a little (or a lot) in seconds, especially after changing items or posing.

Orryn was my first gnome character (they're a race I just don't much care for, especially when comparing them with my preferred halflings), who I made for a one-shot back at the end of March... who is a class from the world of Critical Role, who took part in a solo adventure (one DM, one player) that was mostly The Witcher but with more than a little of the Mandalorian thrown in. Neither of which I have seen/played. But it wasn't bad.

He ended up being a much more grumpy/gruff character than I thought he might be... and very pragmatic, in that he killed an old woman who happened to be a werewolf not because he had any anger towards the old woman, but he'd been sent to kill a werewolf and find out what happened to the people it had abducted, so he did.

It was definitely one of those instances where I didn't know who the character was going to be until he was out in the world. I do like him though... and so I might have to turn him into a different class at some point, something I can actually play. Maybe the new Rogue who take their knowledge from the dead... I think that might work.


Unsurprisingly, I got more than a little distracted by the new Hero Forge this week. So much so in fact that I totally forgot to have lunch on Tuesday.

I made possibly the final chowder for 2020 this week... depending on how the weather goes for the next couple of weeks, maybe the last soup... since I'm going in a lasagne-type direction for this coming week. It won't exactly be lasagne the way I remember the lasagne Ma made when I was a kid, because that shit was amazing... but it'll be lasagne after a fashion.

I considered pulling the pin on Wednesday's DnD game... just because we had a missing player and that can often result in us falling in a hole of indecision. But we got there. Which was good, because this will be the last game with that DM for a while since his partner is about to have a baby. I honestly don't know what the fuck we're doing this coming week since nobody has made a suggestion or put forth an idea of what the plan is... so we'll have to see. Whatever it is, I'm totally not making a new character... I'll have to see who I have in the roster who seems like a good fit. Or that I want to play.

And then Friday... no game... no DnD, no board games, no nothing. Because our DM was sick. And it was too hot and I couldn't be bothered with anything else.

Today was pretty fucking average.

We did the supermarket thing, and for the first time since March, muscle memory took over and I went down one of the up aisles... I mean there wasn't anyone in it at the time, which definitely helped, but it did confuse us both for a minute there.

Then back here for the usual unpackery and YubTubs... and I also cleared out my fridge, because that's a thing that needs doing on occasion.

From there we took a trip to Kmart, because after I mentioned my Phase 10 cards last week, I discovered that they sell them at Kmart for $10, which I swear is more than I originally paid for them forever ago. And they have update graphics, which I actually like better. So, no loser there.

We also wandered randomly around Kmart, looked at their small Halloween section and shook our heads sadly at their Christmas decorations that are already going out... but as I have said on a number of occasions, we are still part of the problem, because we still looked at it, even though we agree it shouldn't be out this early.

Then we picked up a few bits and pieces at Coles that we forgot to get this morning, came back here, hung out for a bit and then called it a day. So there's that.

Current mood:

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