
photo saturday: new faces

madame fortuna... before and after

So... something a little different for D&D Character Colouring Book this week. This is Madame Fortuna from a few weeks ago... before and after.

The Face Customiser has been... weird. And as I said elsewhere this week, I've been enjoying finding the actual people inside the generic Hero Forge faces. Some of them have been there instantly, others have taken a little work or a couple of tries. It's also really weird that even the characters I was completely happy with just look generic and cartoony now by comparison. But it's been interesting understanding some of these characters as who they would be at the table based on these new faces.

Which means it's going to be interesting in the future when it comes to designing brand new characters.

Is it perfect? No. I still can't make a character who looks like they're smiling (with teeth) properly, because the posing is still... not quite right.

I am working on an updated blog banner though.


[clandestine reference to ongoing project... I finished Stage 1, finished Stage 2, decided that Stage 3 could fuck off/wasn't necessary... and started Stage 4. Stage 4 was... a challenge. It was kind of the same as Stage 1, but different enough that it did my head in a little.]

No Thursday for the next three weeks. Well, this week just gone and the next two weeks.

Friday was... a lot.

It was Chiro Day... but I'd also been feeling a little off for the last week and a half, and had some other little niggles going on generally that I just went to see my doctor. Turns out the "off" is a thing that's going around presently, and it's not really very much of anything, it's just... well... "off". The other things... I feel like it's going to basically boil down to "you're almost 50, get used to it" or similar. But I also want to be sure it's not something bigger than that.

I will say that while I get the slightly more hands off approach to a lot of things that my doctor has (as in, not prescribing me things just for random things that will disappear in their own good time), sometimes it would be nice to hear something more than "yeah, that's going around"... I mean... good, but also, can we make it leave me alone specifically?

But now I have to go get a blood test and some other test next week... so there's that. It's that 50/50 of... "I want to know that nothing is wrong" combined with that "I don't want to know if something is actually wrong".

Friday was also the Most Hayfever Day Ever, so my brain attempted to leak out my nose all day, when I wasn't trying to blow it out the back of my head while sneezing constantly.

And then I had the landlord come fix the catch on the bedroom window and inspect the water heater, because it appeared to be leaking. It wasn't, the pipes leading into it were, so that's a bonus. But he'll still need to come back next week to actually fix it.

Then, even though Fluffy is away, I went up to Mr and Mrs for game night. Board games specifically. Partly I did it so that I wasn't overthinking the Doctor visit... but then I was glad I was doing it because I thought my hayfever wouldn't be so bad up there. Turns out, just as bad. It was also weird because I'm so used to making that drive with Fluffy in the passenger seat, it felt like he was still there as my copilot even though he wasn't.


Today was basically the supermarket, then doing a supply run for the next iteration of [clandestine project].

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