
photo saturday: storm son

tuvi - giantkin, stormson, runecarver

A revisit and a refresh for this week's DnD Character Colouring Book. I did the original Izzy back in August, after taking an existing idea and making it, essentially, big. But the more I looked at it, the less it actually worked for the character it was, because it had a lot of leftovers from the first version of the character.

So, he got a do-over. And then he got a second do-over when I updated his face. And a name change to Tuvi. I'm still slightly annoyed that it's impossible to get the new Face Customiser to make a character smile without it turning into a literal nightmare, so there are more than a few characters I've updated where I don't LOVE their expression.

But I kind of dig this version of Tuvi.

Also, in my headcanon... or, basically, canon... because he's so tall, his tunic was made from a wool blanket and leather from a broken saddle. And the boots would essentially be thigh highs on anyone else.


Just quietly... When is seasons? How does weather? What the fuck is going on with the world? It's the end of November and the weather can't make it's mind up what it's doing. Also, basically, I'm still making soup and soup adjacent things. True, that means I don't have to think about dinner, but still.

[clandestine reference to ongoing secret project which is in the home stretch... even though I had to redo part of it because I made a small error and legitimately couldn't not fix it. Even though that meant I had to undo a bunch of work... still totally worth it. For the record, there will be a full post about this... later.]

In other news... blood test came back "yeah, basically take a different vitamin to the vitamin you're already taking... also, you're old", but nothing major. I still need to go do another test next week, which I fully expect will come back "yeah, you're old" essentially.


Today started off as basically winter, now it's basically summer. See earlier point about seasons and weather.

Otherwise, today was just the supermarket.

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