
photo saturday: mister whisper

whisper - pickpocket, telekinetic, sorcerer

Remember last week when I said I'd gone in a different direction for an Aberrant Mind sorcerer? Yeah... meet Whisper.

Whisper started out when I was watching someone play Lies of P... So I was shooting for a slightly Timothée Chalamet vibe... but Hero Forge doesn't have the right kind of hair to get the vibe completely right. But right after I made Whisper, they dropped some new hairstyles, one of which was this "side part bob", which I really love. And later I changed his skin tone to something slightly less pale, because, honestly, my default often tends to be "dark hair, pale skin".

And yes, the same pants again... look, I'm going to overuse those pants until they give me better ones or ones that look as good.

Whisper definitely is being put in the "definitely the frontrunner for the next campaign" list. Because I really do want to play another sorcerer. And I also like the idea of doing a "Gentleman Bastard" style criminal. Both in a very mild "The Lies of Locke Lamora" style way, but also in a "we're criminals, but that doesn't mean that we can dress fancy" kind of way.


First up, I totally spaced cadeted on the fact that it was Daylight Savings last week... so woke up, look at the bedside clock, looked at my phone clock and was temporarily confused.

Potato soup went well... and the cold version on Monday was... reasonable. Like it wasn't bad, it was just odd because I'm not used to it. Also because I put bacon in it maybe. Or I didn't take it out of the fridge in enough time to let it come a little more to room temperature. Or all of the above. I don't know.

Was good warm though.

[clandestine reference to ongoing project that has kind of passed the halfway mark... kinda... but I realised that I need to go back and redo a bunch of the original pieces that I did because they're terrible and don't match the later ones, because that's how improving works... so, yay, improvement... also much thought was given to the layout of the final thing... and also much thought given to the project that comes after this one which will be much less clandestine]

A little like last week, the rest of the this week was essentially a write off. Good for the above... but less good for... everything else.

Thursday Night DnD was already out, we knew this.

Friday Night DnD was likewise out because of people doing trips to places.

This week everything should [grip many wooden items very firmly] be all good for both nights before we are on scheduled break for three weeks.


Today was basically just shopping. I mean, we faffed about at my place for a while, but mostly we went shopping, came back here and that was it.

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