photo saturday: decopunk valet

six - guardian, curiosity, valet

Is this week's DnD Character Colouring Book pure fantasy? Is it Steampunk? Is it Decopunk? Is it Rococopunk? Is it all of those things and also slightly none of them? Is it a ceramic Warforged who is decorated in some form of blue and white china patterning? Do I imagine that the face would look like actual pottery painting that I couldn't find a way to appropriately replicate? The answer to all of these things is possibly yes.

But here we have Six. Thus called because they are marked somewhere on their body as either 1/6 or 6/6, as in either the first or the sixth from a set of six. I haven't really decided yet. And I'm also not sure if they're actually a limited edition piece, or something weird happened and their ceramic body was actually repurposed/reformed from limited edition tea service set. Likewise, I think if I followed this idea all the way to the end, the markings would be different across the body. Maybe filling out more of a limb or being more delicate or something. I don't know.

I also kind of dig the idea that they only have a face when they need one. When they're in combat for example, the face goes completely blank. And afterwards the markings on the side of the head swim across the face (a little like Rorschach from Watchmen) and create a simple face.

However, I feel like he's a much more High Magic kind of character. As in, from a time when magic was basically modern science. And he was somebody's personal valet and bodyguard. Like, he could prepare and serve you high tea and also murder a whole room full of people if necessary.

And I like that.


This week's soup of choice was Boring Vegetable Soup. It wasn't great, it wasn't terrible, it was just boring. But it was also filling, so I'm not really going to complain.

Thursday Night DnD was... [insert travelling montage]. Which is never the most exciting of sessions, but I also don't hate them.

Friday Night Not DnD was the last of the HeroQuest adventures for now. And we won. Which, really, surprised nobody. Given that we've been mostly walking through the adventures. Not to say that they weren't enjoyable or interesting, but I'm not sure we've been overly challenged by any of them since maybe the first couple. We also totally geared ourselves up and did all the "correct" things in order to kick the ass of every single adventure.

Team KillBox for the win!

Whether or not we actually start the new DnD campaign next week depends on the DM, but if not, we'll just pick something from the extensive selection of board games.


Not really much excitement today... basically just the supermarket run.

Current mood:

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