
photo saturday: savage killer

merikh - savage, killer, undying

Sometimes there are ideas that lurk around in your head and refuse to leave. A body with the "skeleton body paint" is one of those ideas. So much so that I revisited it with a different character this week, but that one was less successful. Also, for the record, his skin is that colour because he's a Reborn (possibly he was burned and his body just has the colour of ash now) rather than any racial heritage.

The idea of both a Reborn lineage and a Zealot Barbarian mesh nicely in my head. And also a character who either has to apply body paint regularly or else has those markings as either tattoos or just as markings etched into their skin also appeals to me. The stupidity of a grumpy barbarian carefully applying paint every morning just appeals to my sense of the absurd.

And does the name mean "death" or "slaughter", yes, yes it does.

I also promise that one day I will play a character who is basically running around in their underwear for an entire campaign. Because why would I not.


Most of this week was me holing up in my air-conditioning and being horizontal once again.

I did go for a drive to the library on Monday morning, because the small one down the street doesn't open until 1pm most days and I was out of things to read. So off I went, only to realise that I hadn't brought my headphones and "Baby Yoga" was about to start. So that was... a thing I had to listen to.

I did grab a couple of books and then leg it home.

Thursday DnD was back... and, honestly given that we had a PC death at the end of the last game, the vibe for our return game was about right. As in very subdued. And a tiny bit... combative.

Also, I have very much realised that my character's defining trait can best be described as "not pleased at being Fate's bitch". And given that it seems that a number of gods have a stake in what we do thanks to a collective dream vision, that feeling has multiplied by a factor of about a billion.

We'll see what happens next.

I also went off to the tiny library at the end of the street to pick up a book I requisitioned last weekend. Because it showed up in two days. Whereas the last one took about two weeks.

There also wasn't Friday DnD this week because of small children and their ability to get sick. But it does give me a week to prep for what will basically be the final session. I just need to make a few decisions about what that's going to look like.

Fun times.


Today the weather was going to be hot, so we did the supermarket thing, wasted some time on a YouTube thing and then I sent Ma home before it got too hot.

That's about it really.

Current mood:

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