
photo saturday: a halfling's best friend

belben and barley - arcane trickster and mastiff mount

So... this has been a thing I've kind of wanted to make for a while now. And the addition of a ton more mounts and familiars during Hero Forge's Advent Calendar let me make it a reality.

My first ever character, Belben Beestinger, on the back of the mastiff riding dog he's had since his... third or fourth adventure, if I remember correctly. So this is Barley. Because of course a halfling would name a pet/mount after a food item.

It's very sweet though.

Oh, and for the record, the final item in the calendar was a flail. Not very exciting.


This week was... weird. I mean, the first week of the New Year usually is, but because NYD was on Sunday and the holiday was Monday, I legitimately forgot what day it was at least twice during the week.

There's not a lot to report for the week. I basically made the same thing for dinner each day. And spent most of most days horizontal. Because I'm getting there but I'm not there yet.

The landlord came over to put a new globe in the rangehood midway through the week. And also fixed the front door, which was hanging crooked. So, yay.

We're starting Thursday night DnD back up next Thursday, provided everyone is hale and healthy.

Friday night DnD was honestly mopping up loose ends, finishing exploring the castle, finding out bits of lore. It's weird. I was so worried about my additions not sticking the landing, I failed to see that the whole end sequence in the book kind of falls over a bit.

But nobody is unhappy about it. It just could have been so much better.

I feel like next week is very probably the final session. If not, then the following week is basically follow up and epilogue. And so my time as DM comes to an end. Honestly, I'm 50% looking forward to not having to prep and keep a whole adventure worth of story living in my head from week to week... and 50% will absolutely miss crafting a story for my friends.

I've also written the least interesting backstory I think I've ever crafted for the next Friday campaign. It works, but it was honestly like pulling teeth. It shouldn't have been, I just couldn't get it started. It's also not complex or nuanced. But, honestly, that might be who this character is... looking to the future rather than the past.


Today wasn't much of anything because it's another hot day. So, supermarket, back here, Ma went home. That's it.

Current mood:

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