
photo saturday: elf mama

meldis - entertainer, elf, mother

Well... something different (kinda) for DnD Character Colouring Book this week.

And that something also marks the end of me running the Friday Night DnD campaign for the last 260 days.

More on that in a second. But this is Meldis. And this is what happens when one of your players gives you the gift of a mother who left and an abusive father and you still manage to turn it around to give that character a happy ending.

There's also a fair amount of Photoshop fuckery in the skirt (by which I mean the entire skirt is fuckery)... the Hero Forge version doesn't actually have any pants.

 But I also had been sitting on this idea for the longest time. Just waiting for the reveal. And, as previously reported, it went off even better than I expected.

Good times.


This whole library thing continues to be great. It's interesting though, that left to my own devices I've been gravitating to books that have been written in languages other than English and then translated. I picked up two the last time I was at the library and another two this time.

I also am very much enjoying doing that thing I used to do and wandering the shelves, picking up books that look interesting to me on a whim. That doesn't mean I don't also have a giant list of "to borrow" books, but I'm digging the randomness of trying out new stories, things that I would never have bought, but will happily read.

I hit up both nearby libraries this week, in order to take back my previous books and grab new ones.

Thursday night DnD we kind of got our groove back a little, and are slightly closer to actually starting the written adventure... LOL. I mean, I said that we should have started in a different place, but people had opinions, so here we are.

Friday night DnD, like I said, was the last session of the campaign, and it honestly could have gone in two different directions. One where they wreck house and go seek bloody revenge on the hags, the other where the archfey makes them an offer that two of them definitely can't refuse. I was honestly expecting for them to do both things. But no, once the offer was made, they very much leaned in that direction.

And it was the right decision I think. It definitely led to a happy ending. Which is what you want at the end of a fairy tale.

Honestly, I'm like 50% relieved that it's over (mostly so I don't have to prep for a while) and 50% sad it's done.

We are taking a little DnD break for a few weeks to play a board game, and while Mrs preps the adventure she's going to run.


Today wasn't much more than our usual thing. Supermarket, etc. Although we did make a little trip to Haighs after.

So, that's that.

Current mood:

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