
photo saturday: hot boy sorcerer

sabola - juggler, sorcerer, weirdo

Welcome to Hot Boy Saturday. There really isn't a lot to this one. I'd seen somebody do the striped pants online and wanted to try it for myself. And it just turned into generic hot DnD boy. I also think that "entertainer" often ends up being my generic "hot boy background". I think this one is a juggler.

Also, have I mentioned that I really need to play another sorcerer.

I also didn't completely plan the more muted colour palette. But I do love it. And I feel like I've really gotten my eye in when it comes to making leather look good in Hero Forge.


Thursday Night DnD was... interesting. We met the new character who is taking over from the character we lost. I'm not a fan. I very much know that I wasn't supposed to be. The player in question and I often have some sort of relationship between our characters. We've never done "antagonistic", and that was very much what the dead character and my character had.

So I know that certain elements of this new character have been crafted to annoy my character. And that's fine. It needs to be throttled back a little, but we'll get there.

Also, we're still some time away from starting the published adventure, because DM Fluffy does insist on dangling plot hooks in front of us.

Friday was... many things.

To start off with, it was very hot. So fuck that in general. But it was also Chiro Day. And afterwards I decided to wander around the library in town, just because libraries are very much going to define my 2023. Also the fact that we're barely at the end of January and I've already read 9 books this year.

For the record, I finished 1 book in January 2016, 7 books in 2017, 2 books in 2018, 2 in 2019, 3 in 2020, 4 in 2021 and none in 2022. So... there's that.

Then we had Friday Night Not DnD. As a breather between my campaign and the one Mrs is going to run, we're playing HeroQuest, with Mr as the GM. It's not bad. I chose to play the Elf, who has a mix of magic and fighting. It's also weird. There are four characters you can play as... the Barbarian, the Wizard, the Elf and the Dwarf. So, much like early DnD, you're either a class or you're just your race.

So I'm the elf. Also the one female character, which didn't make as much of an impact as the fact the Elf has a little magic. But also because the Elf has no defined "class", my head cannon is that the Elf is a Thief. Which was partially helped by the fact that I ended up with the most gold.

Because it was a first game and we were learning what we were doing, it took a little longer than it might do once we really get used to it, but there was also a Small Child Interruption at about 11:30, so it was after 12:30 by the time we wrapped up and left. Which meant that it was almost 2am by the time I got home.

And I came home to find a giant fucking cockroach chilling on the wall over the kitchen window. So that led to a much longer cat and mouse... or perhaps cat and cockroach game, where I sprayed it with bug spray but then it disappeared behind shelves and I had to move things to try and find it and once I'd lost it there was no fucking way I was going to bed until I laid eyes on a corpse. And then I broke a glass bottle and had to also sweep that up. But finally I saw the little fucker trying to make a break for the door and I murderised it.

But getting home and dealing with that at 2am is much better than if I'd gotten home earlier and woken up at 3am to find a cockroach in bed with me. Urgh [shudder]. Gross.

Today the weather was all kinds of humid and yuck. And of course, as I say that it's started to rain.

So we did the supermarket and then came back here, and that was that really.

Current mood:

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