
photo saturday: going three-d

mini quill

So... the best way to describe this is as a "group project". This is the mini for Quill, my druid in Friday's DnD games. Designed by me using Hero Forge, 3D printed for me by one of the Thursday DnD boys, and given a first go at a paint job, and then refined and finished off by Mrs from the Friday group.

And then photographed by me... at a scale you'd never, ever be able to see the mini itself, because it's tiny... 30mm tall more or less.

There is a second mini, which I tried to photograph, but it just didn't work because it's darkly painted and covered in glitter... it looks amazing in person though, and exactly what I wanted.

I'm honestly in awe of anyone who can paint miniatures... it takes a degree of skill, talent and eyesight I simply don't have.


I made possibly the best tomato soup I've made thus far, and unsurprisingly, it's a halfling recipe from the DnD cookbook. I also made the prettiest looking (and tastiest) toasted cheese sandwich ever. So, I will absolutely be going back to the recipe at some point.

And having cheese toasties all week wasn't the worst thing in the world either... even if that first one was the best by far.

Thursday was an odd DnD session... if only because it was an episode of When Worlds Collide. Since we're doing a rotating DM thing, Fluffy (Friday's DM) offered to come and meet the reprobates I play with. Which was fun... having a new energy in the room... and also seeing him interacting with the rest of the group was interesting.

And it was also a much more chill session all around, which basically just depends on the mood of the room on any given day. Not just that room specifically, but just DnD tables as a whole in my experience.

Then before Friday's game, Fluffy had asked whether I wanted to watch Luca with him. And I did. So we did. More on that later.

Friday night's game was very much a case of "And Then". We were basically going from A to B, exploring a little along the way. Which is stuff you gotta do at the beginning of a campaign and something I enjoy in and of itself. Lots of mysteries for us to come back and solve later.

Today we did some actual stuff.

I'm attempting the chilli from the DnD cookbook, although, honestly, fuck the background fluff for that particular recipe, but I still wanna try it.

So I got the ingredients for that... increased my spice rack by about a third... which just goes to show you how anaemic my spice rack is currently.

After the supermarket and coming back here for the YubTubs, we headed off to Mitcham Shopping Centre to poke around Cheap as Chips and also visit the Portuguese custard tart shop that Mrs told us about yesterday. So damn good.

But we just picked up a few bits of things otherwise... I finally got another silicon whisk and actually found another storage box for my dice... basically the duplicate of the one I have now. Definitely not sure how I'm going to put it to use, but I couldn't leave it on the shelf, especially as it was the last one there.

And that was it really.

Current mood:

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