
photo saturday: wild magic ladies

lady rava - noble, feystruck, amnesiacvanwa - fey foundling, half-orc, spear maiden
Urgh... everything hurts right now. More on that later.

However, this week's DnD Character Colouring Book dips once again into the land of "Characters who have yet to be". In the new Tasha's Cauldron of Everything book, one of the new barbarian subclasses is the "Path of Wild Magic" (or whatever name they finalise for the book), a warrior who feel the surges of magic from places like the Feywild. And it's one of the subclasses I'm possibly the most excited about. As usual, that excitement resulted in me developing a couple of concepts, a couple of characters.

And I never like to do the expected thing...

So we have Lady Rava, former Moon Elf noble, who got lost in the Feywild, and emerged lacking most of her memory, but a wicked feymetal (which is a thing I made up) sword, a shoulder full of scarred symbols, a lack of eyebrows and fey magic coursing through her being. What I will say is that this piece was where I properly learned how fucking effective masking layers are in Photoshop... so I will be using those forever from now on. It's also the first time I've really relied on a print to do most of the heavy lifting in a design. Her outfit is super boring if not for the giant print.

Then there's Vanwa... because I haven't, as yet, played a half-orc. Full orc, sure, half-orc, no. Vanwa wandered away from home when she was tiny, following a fairy/sprite, ended up in the Feywild, couldn't get home. Now, she defends the Feywild and has stumbled back into the Material Plane. She picked up the wings somewhere along the way (I haven't thought that all the way through yet), they aren't big enough for flight, but I figure they'll come into play when she gets the barbarian speed boost. It's not that she's running faster, it's that the wings finally work enough to propel her further.

Will I get to play either of them at any point given the current state of everything. Who the fuck knows. But they were fun to design/colour.

This week I made... stoup... stewp... basically somewhere between soup and stew. Perhaps too thick to properly be soup, too thin to really be stew. But it was beefy and full of vegetables and pretty damn yummy.

Wednesday's DnD game was decent... looooong, but decent. It was an adventure I'd played before that went badly for my character that time... this time it went pretty well overall.

Friday's game was cancelled due to reasons, but I said to Fluffy that he could still come over and we'd play board games. Then our DM said she might join us, sadly she cancelled at the last minute because she wasn't feeling well. But Fluffy and I still did the board game thing. Complete with chocolate stuffed bread.

But because I was expecting more company than usual at my house, I did some vacuuming on Thursday, which included moving some furniture around, which my body didn't appreciate. I then wanted to find my pack of Phase 10 cards (which I don't think I've actually played with since they got soaked when my roof leaked), and I knew that they were in one of the bottom two drawers of my dresser, but those two drawers are crammed full of CRAP, so on Friday I pulled both drawers out, emptied them, tossed away a fuckton of random shit I just didn't need and packed everything away again. I was tired by the time I finished, and my body didn't appreciate it.

It was this morning that my body was all "fuck you", which I didn't appreciate.

However, I feel better for having sorted out all my crap, and I found a bunch of stuff I didn't even remember I had. Like an actual photo (well, cut out of the free gay newspaper of the time) of my first boyfriend. That fucking took me back. And things that made me think of Lownee and Raury...

It was good to throw a bunch of stuff away though, and reorganise the drawers. I just wish it didn't come at the expense of literally everything hurting. Well, my back mostly... but that makes it feel like everything else hurts.

Today wasn't much of anything once again.

Supermarket and the makings for some form of chowder, unpacking and YubTubs, a wander over to the Village to pick up a book, and that was about it really.

Current mood:

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