But honestly, I love the final results of both of these, especially Lucas, because total Edgelord (which was absolutely the design aesthetic for this whole character), but the hair and beard texture on Torren is probably one of the best I've done, to totally toot my own horn.
And I worked out some new techniques on both of these, especially the subtle chainmail texture on some of Torren's armour. Not to mention the Glomesh style texture on Lucas's tunic because I had to resolve the confusion between his chosen clothing piece and the fact he's wearing scale mail. Plus, it's pretty fucking extra.
EDIT: Okay, so I updated the Lucas art... because I love it even more than the original, which is weird, because it's the exact same colouring, with the exception of the rune glow and the pose... but somehow it's even better...
They're also travelling around with my gigantic Dragonborn boy Marux... and what's amusing is that while he's 7'2", all the party, independently of each other, are quite tall, even the dwarf (relatively speaking), so when I put all of the characters in an image together and scale them accordingly, they all look average height. Because a sense of scale is important. In all things, but definitely in character art.
So this week has been... something.
We started with soup what I made up out of my own head... in that I put some vegetables, some tomato, some chicken, some hope... and it all came out pretty well actually. I mean it was just me mashing together three of four different soup ideas, but it worked out well.
Wednesday's DnD game was pretty decent... playing a high charisma, low wisdom, low intelligence character has it's moments. And there were a couple of moments where I said the right thing at the right time for something that became a plot point later... and I had no idea at the time.
Thursday I had my first haircut in 169 days (nice), or as the "time between" website pointed out, 46.17% of 2020. Yep, from neat and trim to dishevelled hobo in just under half a year. Wow... totally did not realise it was that long. I knew it was a hot minute... but that's longer than expected.
And as I had intended for a while, it wasn't back to the same old same old... we went different. Not dazzling or spectacular, but different. We skipped the colour, but I got her to run a toner through it, so that any of the yellow in the grey or the remaining bleached hair got taken out. I was also very grateful that she offered to trim my beard for me also, since I hadn't bothered to trim it in a little bit... I didn't actually take notice of how long, but let's say more than a month.
Since it didn't require me to do anything other than sit there, I was totally on board, and I left there looking and feeling more like an actual person than I'd done for a while.
So there's that.
Of course that's also the time when Winter properly hit, and the temperature turned definitely bitter cold. Because timing is important.
Friday morning I got a call at about 10:20... and when I picked it up it was my chiro's office, because I hadn't put the appointment in my fucking phone and hence had absolutely forgotten. Goddamn it.
Thankfully she had an appointment in the early afternoon, so I headed into town for that.
Then Friday night was DnD... except it wasn't because one of the party needed a nap, but we didn't know that until we were almost there. So there were board games instead. Well, a board game, Villainous to be precise. And it's pretty damn good.
I feel like it's one of those games that is easy to pick up but difficult to master, and very much depends on which villain you're playing, and the luck of the draw in a lot of ways. But a lot of fun.
And what with standing around like numpties chatting to start, and then more of the same once we were done, it was after midnight before we left and around 1am by the time I got home.
Today was the new average... also it was too fucking cold to go anywhere after the supermarket.
So we did the supermarket thing, I'm making some version of potato, bacon and leek soup (but not chowdah this time), otherwise I didn't buy a hell of a lot of anything. Which might bite me in the butt later in the week. Or not.
So, yeah, then we came back and did the YubTubs thing, then called it a day.
Current mood:
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