
photo saturday: inspired by the discworld

sweeper and shadow monk - brother dilmahhedge witch - goody posset
First things first... and this is said with all due vehemence, FUCK THE NEW BLOGGER INTERFACE! 

Everything is nine times larger than it needs to be, it's taken directly from the "entirely too spaced out and too clean while being shit" school of design, you can't drag and drop images anymore and while they have put in the ability to manipulate the HTML code, they've also hidden it in a place that makes no sense and the editor is now adding in stupid fucking code it doesn't need to. Fuck that noise.

I will remain annoyed for some time but will try not to mention it again. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Moving on, we have this week's DnD character designs, both of which are inspired to greater or lesser extents by Terry Pratchett's Discworld. I mean it makes sense because I've been reading through the series for a while now, and I don't know if I'm ever going to get around to actually being able to play either of them. But if not I do have half of a plan to use them as NPCs for a later campaign.

So, we have Brother Dilmah (yes, named after the tea brand), from the Temple of the Golden Leaf, a Way of Shadow Monk. He's, unsurprisingly, inspired by the History Monks, specifically from Thief of Time, and he's also the first time I attempted to give one of these character designs wrinkles or signs of age. It's super simple, but I think it works pretty well all things considered. And he gets a shadow simply because he's a Shadow Monk, but I was kinda proud of how it came out.

Next to him is "Goody" Adora Posset (Goody being a title short for Goodwife, Posset from the drink of the same name) along with her albino raven familiar, Master Finian. And she's both a College of Lore bard and my take on one of the Discworld witches. Because of all the DnD spellcasting classes, the bard is the one that feels the most like the Headology we see in the books. It's about words and their power and making people thing the way you want them to think. And the bard class has access to all of those spells.

But I gave her access to a couple of other spells, including the Find Familiar spell so she could have her own version of Nanny Ogg's Greebo and Granny Weatherwax's You. Weirdly, although it's one of the simplest designs of a costume/character, it's kinda one of my favourites. And after this design, all the potion bottles I've added are modelled after this one because it came out so well.

Moving forward...

Still waiting for a functional oven. Allegedly the parts are on the way. I don't know I can throw much of a spaz. But I'm considering it in the next week or so.

This week I made basically vegetable soup... but added salami to it. Because if there is any rule that I've followed all my life it's that the thing with many vegetables is good, but it's 1000% better if you add salami to it. It's just facts.

Otherwise I did a good solid bout of tidying up my crap early in the week. Stuff that just needed to be put away in the place that it came from and not just left swinging in the proverbial wind.

There were just the two DnD games this week, the usual Wednesday and Friday. Honestly Wednesday nearly turned into a complete shitshow... people who don't usually show up were rumoured to appear, people who should have been around weren't. It very nearly didn't happen. But there were three of us and we decided to play anyway.

It was a weird game, mostly because it felt like the other two weren't overly engaged. And on top of that the adventure was written a little clumsily... or perhaps a little too openly. We legitimately either didn't pick up on the cues or the cues were vague as fuck. Or maybe a little of both. But we got there eventually.

Friday night's game was... character reintegration. And it was cool, a lot more effective than the last time we attempted it. Choices were made, good choices. Weird as fuck, but good. So we'll see how that goes. Hopefully this means that we can make some progress in the story, since it's been a little bit. I mean, don't get me wrong, I live for the roleplay, and I'm sure the direction the plot is leading isn't anywhere near as straightforward as I think it is.

We are starting to think about what comes next though... so there's that.

Today... today was a world of "Henry VIII I Am"... "Second verse same as the first". Nothing new or exciting really. We did the supermarket thing... I reverted back to chowder again this week. Because it's easy, and I wasn't feeling the other options.

Then we came back here, discussed important things, like teevee shows where people commission art, watched things on the YubTubs... all the hits of yesterday and today. We had a wander over to the Village, and then pretty much called it a day. Not thrilling. But we haven't done thrilling in a while.

And that was it really.

Current mood:

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