
photo saturday: scientifica legofica

science ladymedical lady
Day 562...
Into this fence or fortress, with infinite labour, I carried all my riches, all my provisions, ammunition, and stores, of which you have the account above; and I made a large tent, which to preserve me from the rains that in one part of the year are very violent there, I made double - one smaller tent within, and one larger tent above it; and covered the uppermost with a large tarpaulin, which I had saved among the sails.
Fun fact... I just discovered that Daniel Defoe, author of Robinson Crusoe (above), was deathly afraid of full stops... his writing seemingly having very, very, very few of them.

Yeah, I was doing a bit... but I can't get over how dense his writing is. That whole paragraph is one fucking long run-on, semi-coloned sentence. Wow.

Anyway, moving on...

This week's attempt at chowder was... serviceable. I got distracted while it was cooking and may have left it on the simmer for longer than was necessarily good for it. It was fine, but not thrilling.

I did attempt making hot cross buns. It was likewise serviceable. Even if I should have left them in the oven for another five minutes. I don't know if it was just the recipe that was a bit m'eh, or it was me... but I won't be using that one again.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday were all online DnD nights. Monday and Friday was our regular Friday night game (you know what I mean)... and then I ran something on Wednesday. I'll be honest, I don't love running online. Or at least when it's audio only. I think I'd just feel better if there was video. Especially for that group.

Alas, no. I had done a lot of set up in Roll 20, the platform we've been using. So at least that worked well.

This coming week I'm running the second half.

Thursday was Haircut Day. Correction, Thursday was supposed to be Haircut Day. I cancelled it. On the down side that does move the "I'm gunna do something drastic to my hair" Doomsday Clock five minutes closer to... you know... drastic.

Or else I'm just going to end up looking like Worzel Gummidge.

Otherwise, not much of anything else. I genuinely didn't leave the house between getting home from the supermarket last Saturday and dumping a bunch of recycling in the bins downstairs on Friday afternoon.

So there's that.

Today was actually a relatively chill shopping trip. I mean people are still intensely ridiculous and don't pay attention, but that notwithstanding, it was fine.

I'm aiming for a minestrone soup this week... or at least a pseudo minestrone.

Otherwise everything was fine, we got back here, watched some YubTubs once again. And then around noon Ma wandered off home.

Current mood:

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