
photo saturday: blue layers

ocean dogport river high

port river lowbeach walkers
Leaving the house is stressful.

I know, I know, Captain Obvious, newsflash, film at eleven. Still true though.

So... I made beef stew. Not perhaps the most artful or well constructed beef stew. I maybe added a little too much flour to it later in the process to try and thicken it, plus I added the last of my brown rice. But not quite soon enough so that first bowl on Sunday night, it was still a little undercooked. I mean once I reheated some of it the next day it was fine. But still.

And I totally fucked the pearl/pickling onions. By which I mean I ended up slicing them in half to make them go further and they just dissolved into individual onion pieces. Ah well.

The beef itself was beautiful and tender though. And it wasn't the worst. It was just distinctly average. Which is perfectly fine. It's not like I got bored with it.


There were three DnD games again this week... our Friday game became both Monday and Friday, and we finally finished off the punishing series of adventures on Wednesday.

Monday's game might have been a mistake... and I say that only because one of our party died. Like dead dead. The character obviously, not the player. And I surrendered the rest of the party to the bad guys because what the hell else was I going to do, we would all have ended up with new characters otherwise.

So then on Friday we had a possible chance to bring him back, or rather we had the opportunity to say our goodbyes and his player then made a decision about whether or not to bring him back. He chose not to, which is fine. But now we have to create new relationships with this completely new character. I'll be honest, I don't hate the new character, it made contextual sense, but it's just gunna take a while before this new character finds her niche.

It'll be interesting though.

Wednesday was an exercise in frustration. I mean these last three modules have been an exercise in frustration. But when the final session is essentially one big combat encounter and you get stunned for basically the last, I dunno, 45 minutes to an hour maybe. I mean I started off combat with a big boom and knocked a big bunch of health off some of the final bad guys, but it was a super frustrating encounter anyway, and then not being able to do a damn thing was doubly so. I mean it mostly was the fault of my dice and/or random chance. But still.

At least we're done with those adventures now. And those characters are now essentially the highest level any of us have that we're still playing (basically they're about the same as the ones we just finished playing the Out of the Abyss campaign with).

But I'm going to run the next adventure, which may go for between two and four sessions, depending. But it's one I've run before, and I like, so we'll see how badly these particular friends manage to fuck it up. Because they will. And I'll punish them appropriately in game when they do.

Thursday was... not usual. After being pulled over the other week for a non-working brake light, I needed to take my car in for a service, and to get the light fixed obviously. So I set out early, dropped the car at our usual mechanic and then waited for Ma to show up and give me a ride home.

I don't like outside right now. Outside is where other people are.

But I did some outside, then we came back here, did nothing much really. We put a movie on that I mostly ignored and fiddled around with the laptop. And then the mechanic called around lunchtime and we headed back, I picked up the car and we went our separate ways.

So not very much really... but you know, outside.

Which brings us around to today. Saturday and the supermarket.

I pseudo realised (in so much as it had probably already occurred to me, but I just hadn't spent any time on the thought) that right now shopping is the most stressful thing I'm doing... actually that most people are doing.

And of course people who don't usually shop first thing on a Saturday morning are thinking to themselves "hey, I'll go in early and get things done first thing". Which is a great idea if dozens of other people weren't having the same thought. So there end up being more people than usual... and those people aren't all thinking clearly because everyone's brains are fried right now.

So I might have very politely told off a couple of women early in the trip for going the opposite way around the supermarket. Yes, yes, I know. But the supermarket put up a gigantic sign in the entryway asking people to do it, and, you know what, I'm shopping with a woman in her 70's, so you better follow fucking directions and abide by social distancing. On the up side, at least one of those women then inform someone else who was going in the wrong direction, so, you now what, my work here is done. I know most people aren't doing it on purpose, see earlier comment about fried brains, but sometimes you gotta poke people gently from a safe distance.

The unfortunate thing was that we then kept running into the same two women, but I'll live with that.

I also took a moment to tell the woman assigned to the self-serve checkouts that her bunny ears looked fabulous, because they did. And it seemed to improve her day, so that's good.

Anyway... we both went in with the solid idea that we weren't going to buy as much stuff... and somehow about half way through I think the wheels fell off that idea. But we did find some face masks. Very expensive face masks I will say, but I feel better having them.

I'm making some version of chowder this week. Probably more of a corn/pea/general vegetable chowder, I mean I do have some chicken in the freezer, so I could add that, but who knows.

Once we got back here we faffed around a little, then Ma just headed home. Because what else is there to do right now.

Current mood:

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