photo saturday: tricksy girl

zovi - trickster, flirt, troublemaker

This week's DnD Character Colouring Book takes another leaf out of the 2024 rules, when I started playing around with the idea of a Goliath Cleric. Trickery Cleric to be exact. Because, honestly, it's a Cleric subclass I've never played but really want to.

And now that Goliath are more "Giant themed", the idea of meshing Cloud Giant Goliaths and the Trickery Domain kind of seemed like a perfect fit. Especially since Cloud Giants themselves are known to wear masks, and I really wanted to play around with the fox mask. So I leaned much more into Giant lore and Giant gods rather than anything that has previously Goliath lore. Seemed more fun (because honestly, the Goliath gods are kind of dull, and they definitely lack a Trickery god).

Which led me to discover the Giant goddess Diancastra, who is both a minor Trickery goddess, a minor fertility goddess but also seems to be something of a goddess of pleasure.

zovi - trickster, flirt, troublemaker

So I ended up imagining Zovi (pronounced somewhat like "Sophie" said with an accent... although right now, I'm not completely sure where I got that name... and if it actually means something, because generally they do) as being a major flirt who might spend time in a tavern finding somebody to appreciate pleasure with... hence this alternate outfit.

The Bearmother nickname was taken from one of the previous edition tables of Goliath nicknames, my thought being that at some point she rescued a bear cub after it's mother was killed and raised it, earning her the nickname, but it also had a double meaning of her being fiercely protective of the people under her care.


This week has been... a lot.

So, soup this week was... kind of slightly less soup and more just pasta sauce with noodles... or technically my Lasagne Soup. Very thick, but tasty as fuck.

This week was also my Rental Inspection... so Monday I did a deep clean of the kitchen, Tuesday I did my usual "stack things on the bed, clean everything else"... which was made slightly more difficult when I discovered that I'd stepped on a small piece of glass, and without realising what it was, went to brush it off my foot, resulting in me slicing my thumb in a very shallow cut that bled like a mofo... right next to where I accidental sliced the heel of my thumb with a tin can lid on Sunday night... and also scraped the back of my heel while moving furniture around.

Basically I was a mass of minor cuts and scrapes for much of this week... just what you want when trying to clean things.

Once I had finished tidying, there was a prolonged period of Laying The Fuck Down because my body was Not Having It.

Then Wednesday I ran the vacuum over the carpet for the last time and made myself scarce.

I started with an early morning wander around Kmart, then took myself off to visit one of the other two libraries near me. Turns out the one I ended up at was only slightly bigger than the one down the street from me, so after taking a look around I ended up back at the one in Burnside where I hung out for a couple of hours.

It was, as always, nice to come home to a tidy house knowing that the inspection had been done.

But, I'll be honest, I was kind of wiped out because my back had already been grumbling and cleaning never helps.

This week's Mini TV Series Review is the third and fourth seasons of Westworld. So, in the last two weeks I have mainlined somewhere in the vicinity of 36 hours of Westworld. My brain definitely faces the other way now.

But I adored the first three seasons. The fourth season... yeah, not as much. The fourth just felt confusing for the sake of being confusing. But the third season was brilliant. Sadly the end of the fourth sets up for the fifth season that it seems might never happen. I hope it does so that the creators do get a chance to make that final season at some point, even if it ends up being something like a graphic novel. Because I do want to know how the story ends.

Will it makes sense when it does? Fucked if I know... but I want to go on the journey anyway.

There was no Friday Night DnD again this week, so instead Fluffy and I did Movie Night... and I got to introduce him to The Witches of Eastwick. So that was a fun evening.


Today wasn't much of anything... we did the supermarket and that was it really. I did break out the yarn I used to make Ma's scarf the other week and start on a pair of cuff/gloves to match. And we just kind of sat around and watched things on YouTube and nattered a bit until I'd crocheted a chunk of the first cuff, before I sent Ma home.

So that was it really.

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