photo saturday: purple blades

beltran - acrobat, thief, knife thrower

Sometimes you reinvent a character, only to reinvent them almost entirely a short period of time later. Beltran, last seen back in the days of manual colouring, is one of those. He got a full makeover when I was refreshing everyone's designs after the Face Customiser dropped, and I liked that design.

Then they dropped the flowy scarf... technically it's a "split cape", but honestly, scarf. And I had to resist the urge to add it to about half my characters. But it definitely seemed to fit for my slightly extra knife throwing, acrobatic, thief rogue. And then I looked at my cast of characters and thought... yeah, there's way too much blue going on, I should try other things.

So I ended up going with purple. It also seemed fitting.

Are the knives with the giant hole in them at all practical? Probably not. Would they throw well? Also no. But the centre section on those knives is weird, so I did a little bit of Photoshop fuckery.

And I'll be honest, I made this back in April and looking at the tattoo design again I was struck with a serious case of "what the fuck was that supposed to be?". Turns out, while the actual image itself is, I think, supposed to be blind justice, in-universe, it's an interpretation of the Balance card from the Deck of Many Things.

More so from the literal meaning of "balance" than the actual meaning of the card within the magic item. Because I figure if these decks exist as magical items, they should also exist as mundane fortune telling decks like tarot cards. So that's just Beltran's card.


After deciding that I was going to frog the scarf I'd been working on last week because it just wasn't coming together the way I wanted it to, plus I'd somehow including a triple twist into it. So that was my entertainment last Saturday night... and I say "entertainment", I mean most of it went very quickly, and then I managed to get a tangle in the yarn that I couldn't get out and had to undergo the very laborious task of undoing the starting chain one loop at a time from the wrong end, a process which took about three quarters of an hour all up.

However, I then worked on the scarf throughout the week, and finished it last night. I'm not completely happy with my join. I decided to just do it as a flat length rather than as a circle like the first time and then tried to crochet it closed, which, my brain just flat out rejected. I couldn't wrap my brain around how that was supposed to work, so I ended up sewing the two ends together... twice, after the first attempt was a mess. And it's... fine.

I am very happy with the finished scarf all up though. The colour, the ribbed texture, the big chunky yarn, the fact that it's going to be super warm, the infinity circle of it all. New favourite scarf.

What am I going to work on next? No clue. I had considered a beanie, but all the yarn I have is slightly thinner than all the patterns I keep seeing.

Also, as a general thing, why the hell does the US, UK and Australia all have different naming conventions for the thickness of yarn? Also, why is the Australian one the only one that makes any fucking sense because it actually includes a number? Even the Craft Yarn Council have tried their own scale that actually uses numbers, but also, their scale isn't something that seems to get printed on actual balls of yarn.

So, fucked if I know. I'll just stare at the box for a while and see what inspires me. And if nothing does, I'll just fall back on little granny squares.

This week's soup was Chow-DAH... and not, I can't not say it like that. It just lives in my head that way. It was pretty good as well, which helps.

I continued working through the Marvel back catalogue I'd missed out on with The Eternals this week... good, solid, manages to actually have a story and interesting characters, but overall a little hollow. Also, I realised that in a Post-Saltburn world I may never be able to see Barry Keoghan in a movie and not think about his penis.

I mean, I'm only human. 

Also, because I am human, I have no intention of seeing Saltburn, because it sounds like fucking torture, I have however seen the final scene because the internet exists.

But, back to the topic at hand... Eternals, better than Doctor Strange 2, not as good as Black Panther 2.

I also watched an Agatha Christie mini series, Ordeal by Innocence, which is full of very good actors and terrible fucking characters. I enjoyed it more than I expected to.

There was no Friday Night DnD this week. Also, it feels slightly weird to describe it as Friday Night DnD when it's currently the only DnD, but, it's the naming convention we've done with for many years at this point, so I'm not changing it now.

Also, it was a last minute cancellation, so I just watched movies instead.


Today I got to break out my newly made scarf. See aforementioned comments about the warmth of said scarf.

Otherwise it was just the usual supermarket stuff, and some Looking At Things on YubTubs.

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