photo saturday: big sisters

rose - baker, big sister, blonde

And finally we come to the sisters of my first character. Well, the two oldest sisters anyway. I don't even really remember the original reason why I gave Belben five older sisters... it makes sense once the naming convention happened, but I honestly don't remember what came first. Maybe I just wanted to make him the literal baby of the family.

Also, the vast jump in quality between their first appearance and now... staggering.

The naming convention for the sisters is pretty simple. All the Doctor Who companions I like from 2005 to 2017. Guess who doesn't get a shout out. So we start with Rose, obviously, who works in the bakery and will eventually take it over from her parents. And the blonde hair obviously comes from the Longpond side of the family.

Weirdly, or not, I guess, she's my favourite of the sisters, Belben's favourite sister and the model that came out the best I think. But then Rose is my favourite of the companions for the most part (Donna being a close second).

marigold - acolyte, cleric, healer

For Marigold, we have Martha as the companion equivalent. And cleric vs doctor. I think I went cleric instead of just making her a healer in general, because this branch of the family isn't just going to have a single adventurer in this generation.


A very generic soup this week... kinda sorta minestrone with cabbage and sausage that didn't quite hold up the way it should have done. But tasty enough.

The Hexagon Cardigan is finally finished! There will probably be a full post about it this week, but it's pretty good. Not perfect, but good for my first "wearable". Because I refuse to count scarves as a "wearable". I did discover a couple of potential issues, both of which would have been obvious if I'd thought about it for 11 seconds. Firstly, acrylic yarn... this thing is going to be a bitch for static cling. And secondly, yeah, your sleeves have giant holes all through them, because it's granny stitch, and the wind is going to get in there. Dur. But at the same time, ventilation because I run hot generally, so, swings and roundabouts.

In other news, my body hates me... I tweaked my back bending over to tie my shoelaces... grrr. Granted, it didn't last more than a couple of days, but still.

Thursday Night DnD was a slightly circular in-character "discussion" about what our group intents were that lasted for about an hour and that we probably should have had, I don't know, six months ago, and then the start of the final combat. And can I just say, while I understand the compulsion to "video game"-ize DnD "boss fights", I also really don't care for the multiple health bar/stages trope. But, given this hardcover, I'm not at all surprised to encounter it.

Honestly, all of the components of this final fight track given this hardcover. And I'll be glad when it's over.

Friday Night DnD was one of those plotting and scheming and planning episodes more or less.


Today was basically just the supermarket. So, there's that.

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