
photo saturday: sea fae

This is what happens when you make a character sketch and your brain says "well, yeah, that's an idea certainly... but you'd never play THAT version... how about we make a version you WOULD play?"...

And then, when you've made that version you think... "yes, but what if also sea themed?"... and then when that versions done, somebody drops a blank pose on Reddit and you think "well... now I just need to redo the whole thing again from scratch and lean into the vibes more"...

Of course then you fuck around with textures and tattoos and Photoshop edits... and by the time you're finished, you really, really want to play this character. But you also know that the likelihood that that feeling will last long enough to actually make it to a new campaign is... slim.

So, say hello to Marinus... he's currently the obsession, until the next one comes along.

Welcome to DnD Character Colouring Book... that's basically what happens here.


The first half of the week is something of a blur... given that the latter half of the week was more weighted with activities.

Oh, I did make some chutney... only a small batch, because I didn't have a ton of ingredients, but needed to use up some peaches and plums that were starting to go soft. Which is always my preferred way of using them up.

And for once, because it was such a small batch, I'm keeping the majority of it for me.

Our first Thursday DnD game of the year actually happened. And we definitely entered the Third Act. Well, we will be next week. Granted, I almost derailed us into the Third Act early, because it made more sense to me to go straight there rather than doing what seemed like busywork.

But it was good to be back, and to be getting on with things.

Friday was Chiro Day...

Which also meant that it was also Return The Christmas Presents That Were Slightly Borked. Which were both books. Because Saga had some weird pink printer ink marks on the first few pages, and The 99% Invisible City had an issue with the binding and was basically going to pull itself apart over time.

But it was no muss, no fuss, and I got them changed over.

Friday Night DnD, we kicked a cat's ass... well, that cat was also a murderous, jewel thief druid... so... you know... she had it coming.

Oh, and we found a magic carpet. Well, I found it.


Today was pretty much just shopping. Because, honestly, the weather isn't really conducive to going anywhere and going things.

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