
photo saturday: monochromia

the amazing seraphina - prestidigitator, warlock, charmer

Well, The Amazing Seraphina had opinions over the course of about a week. Also, she was one of those DnD Character Colouring Book characters that wouldn't have come together without Photoshop.

Initially she was in black and green, with green eyes, with the pseudodragon on her wrist and the cane held higher in her hand with the standard sphere on the top. And then I started looking at the list of Great Old Ones by renowned white supremacist H. P. Lovecraft for inspiration for a patron... although, honestly, I think the more unknowable an unknowable eldritch horror is, the better... 

But it resulted in a black and white aesthetic with a can with an "octopus" topper and a Lovecraft quote in runes... which is how she encountered her Great Old One and how she taps into it's/her powers.

Normally I would have ended up with a white pseudodragon, I couldn't refind the same pose, or it didn't come out as strong as this little buddy. If she was a Warlock under the playtest rules, the "Aberration (knot of tentacles)" familiar from an old playtest would have been good... or the slaad tadpole...but, honestly, I just want to, as I've said about 100 times already, have a pseudodragon familiar at some point.

I'm kind of into the idea that it is normally a pseudodragon and then at certain points, it just transforms into a tiny eldritch abomination. Tiny eyes all over it's body or a whole body split or too many tentacles. Something weird and messed up. Or even going down a Flerken from the Marvel Universe route... although that kind of comes under a "too many tentacles" heading. And having just looked up when the Flerken inside the cat looks like... yeah, that'd work.

Also, did I name the familiar in order to be able to have a "Hey Presto" joke every time she summons it or asks it to do something... yes, yes I did. And of course, it appears from and disappears into it's pocket dimension by going into the hat. Because of course it does.


This week has been the poster child for What The Fuck Is Weather. Over 40C, high humidity, heavy rain, chilly evening... not all at once you understand, but, mostly individually, over the course of the week. Blah.

Humidity is the one that does my head in. I just can't.

The Hexagon Cardigan Project continues... I have done 48 rows (rounds?) across both sides of the cardigan... and would have done one more earlier today had I not gotten to the start of the round only to discover that, like an idiot, I forgot to do the corner properly, so had to frog (undo) the entire round. So, fuck my drag I guess. I mean, it kept my hands occupied while watching a movie, so it's not the worst thing in the world to have to do it over. And at least I noticed it before I started a second row.

With that hour and a half long screw up, I'm at a little over 34.5 hours for the cardigan thus far.

And as proud as I am of the Granny Square Blanket... the literally chasm between that project and this one is enough to drop small countries into. It's amazing what using a slightly smaller hook than you need can do vs picking a hook because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Granted if I'd done the blanket with a smaller hook it would have been a much smaller blanket. Or I would have needed to make a lot more squares. Or, you know, both.

Friday Night DnD was cancelled due to the Friday public holiday... and Thursday Night DnD... would have been better had it been cancelled.


Something something supermarket, something something unpacking... and then we watched Mrs Harris Goes To Paris. Because it was a movie I saw the poster for ages ago, and then I discovered it was based on a book, and read said book... and then borrowed the movie from the library.

A mini review... it adds things that weren't in the book that kinda mess with the vibes of the original story, although I like the ending of the movie more than the book. But it is very sweet... not as good as Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day (also, sometimes I look back on my early movie reviews and cringe), but I'd put them in roughly the same category.

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