
photo saturday: miss magnolia

magnolia - captain, fairy, rager

The one thing I like about Monks and Barbarians is that you can put them in all sorts of ridiculous outfits. And today's DnD Character Colour Book also makes use of the cropped corset top and boots from the Hero Forge Advent Calendar.

This was one of those "character drops into your head" moments though, based on something I was watching.

I do need to make a fairy character though. And I always like the idea of making small barbarians... plus I need to play another barbarian sometime soon. But I've said that about a lot of things.

And speaking of the 2023 Hero Forge Advent Calendar...

2023 hero forge advent calendar - week 5

The main reason that I'm including the last two items is that they're such a study in contrasts.

Because the two handed sword is... honestly, the worst modelled item from the whole month. It's lacking in details in all the important areas and it's just kinda ugly.

By comparison, the final day's staff was not a real surprise to anyone since it was pretty clear in the promo silhouette, but it's beautifully modelled.

Will I use either of them? Well, definitely not the sword. Maybe the staff. Although I can more see myself taking the owl motif off the top and turning it into a necklace or something with some Photoshop.

What I will say is that we could have done with less shields, more pants and at least one new hairstyle. But also, it was a whole month of free items, so I'm not complaining too hard.


We covered New Years Eve and Day already...

The rest of the week was something of a non-event. Mostly because the weather took a turn for the hot and humid and I mostly wanted to hibernate. Because I am that rare animal, the Summer Hibernator.

Thursday Night DnD isn't back until next week.

Friday Night DnD was called off on account of a mild case of heat exhaustion and an additional case of "not feeling quite right"... which was honestly fine, because I wasn't necessarily feeling that up for it myself.

I did finally restart one of the crochet projects I messed up before Christmas. Still not perfect, but considerable better. I still have trouble with things that involve counting stitches... but I'm getting there.


Today was... hot, wet, humid... in that order.

We did the supermarket thing, and might have done something else, but the weather went from hot and cloudy to full on rain and has now settled into humid. Which is my least favourite flavour.

But it decided to rain right at the point we might have gone out and run an errand, so we didn't bother.

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