
photo saturday: good healing boy

alby - warlock, orphan, healer

This week's DnD Character Colouring Book is a revisit of a character I made and intended to play before the wheels fell off the Universe in 2020. Alby Abeowan came to be after I invented "The Potion Man" as the reason why Adventurer's League games gave everyone a free healing potion for every adventure. It started out as a dumb joke, but then Fluffy started using it, and then I came up with the idea of making The Potion Man a Warlock Patron, and Alby was born. He was probably also going to multiclass into Divine Soul Sorcerer at some point, because more spell slots and things.

The fascinating thing, though, is to look back at my original Photoshop-coloured version of the art from 2020 and compare it with this version. Because it's like night and day. Especially given that the core of the outfit is exactly the same.

He is still on the list of Maybe One Day characters though. Even if I end up tweaking the origin story.

Because one day I will play a warlock with a pseudodragon familiar!


I tried the veggie slice recipe again this week... I don't think it works completely for me. So this week I'm going to break out my quiche recipe, go with something I know works even when I mess with it.

Tuesday I started building an ark, because the rain was ridiculous.

No Thursday Night DnD this week, which turned out to be good, because somebody also came down with the plague for the third time. So we dodged a bullet there.

Friday Night DnD was another "setting the scene/travel/roleplay episode"... and it's interesting, I wrote the smallest backstory for this character, but I got peppered with a bunch of questions about his past last night and somehow all the answers were just there. And some of it was stuff I hadn't even considered. I was just riffing. But clearly he just exists in my head. It's always a combination of weird and interesting when that happens.


So... I noticed something today, which I maybe have subconsciously noted previously, but given that we've hit December, items at the supermarket that have previously been on special and are on special again... are more expensively on special, if that makes sense. Which might just be the couple of things I noticed today... but it wouldn't surprise me.

Also, Egg Nog appeared in the supermarket. Which means I bought some, and will drink it and then wonder why I bought it, but possibly buy it again before it goes away this Christmas and definitely again next Christmas. Because I like it... but it's honestly not that special LOL. But I get sucked in, every year.

I did resist all the wonderfully flavoured custards though. This week anyway.

Afterwards we ran a completely pointless errand. My favourite kind. And by pointless, I mean, we went to a place and came away with none of the things we went to the place for. Mostly because they didn't have any of them. Because fuck last stage capitalism.

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