
photo saturday: adventing 2023, part four

2023 hero forge advent calendar - week 4

The last full week of the 2023 Hero Forge Advent Calendar brings with it a white and gold theme... because it felt appropriately festive... and I kind of did some red and green at the beginning of the month.

I do have some thoughts and feelings about the offerings for this week. Firstly, as interesting as "damaged" items are, I do wish they would also add "undamaged" versions at the same time. Because they added a simpler version of the ornate metal-bound round shield, so it's not like they're not thinking about it.

Also, a little like previous years, the catfolk head is standing in for a much wider array of cat themed items from Christmas Day... hence the "Oops, All Cats" label.

I realised that I hadn't actually been doing the Current Item Count vs Item's I'd actually use like I did last year... so let's sum up real quick...

  • Current item count: 30 + some duplicates between hand held and worn or base items, plus 6 cat related creatures.
  • Current item's I'd actually use count: 14 plus potential cat related things.

So, about half, which isn't bad. But we were at more overall items this time last year somehow. I don't remember how I did the math on that last year though, so, who knows.

Of this week, I feel like it's mostly going to be the boots and the simpler version of the metal-bound shield. There are two more days to go (because we're a day in front of the US), but I don't know what I'm going to do with those, it depends on what they end up being I guess.

Also, we never got hair this year. But I would take new hair over a shield any day of the week.


Christmas happened.

I've said it before and I will continue to say it until the Heat Death of the Universe. The week between Christmas and New Year is weird for many, many, many reasons. Not least of all because I somehow end up eating very random things... or basically just consuming Christmas left overs in various forms. This week was basically leftover Christmas salad reheated with an egg thrown in and vaguely scrambled in it on Tuesday, and then potato salad and leftover turkey and sausage meat for the rest of the week.

I also did some work on End of Year posts, or at least started the process on them. Including the Secret Project Blanket post. And started plotting my Rainbow Hexagon Cardigan Project. More on that in the New Year. Because while I only have two days left, I very much have to resist the urge to just start it immediately.

And I managed to find my way into a potential trio of characters for the Planescape adventure Fluffy aims to run... actually probably not before mid 2025 at this point. So a lot of things could change before then. It's more important that I found my way into an idea rather than the actual idea. I have no doubt the details will change between now and then, but the framework will serve me well regardless. And if it never actually happens because something far more interesting comes along (also very likely), then they'll just join the giant pile of discarded ideas that have come and gone.

Friday Night DnD can be filed under "The Flaming Feathers Detective Agency Solve The Case of the Bloody Toebeans"... because when DM Mrs waves a murder mystery under our noses and my character rolls two Nat 20's to investigate the murder scene... we get all Sherlock/Poirot up in this biz.

Also, I was already convinced we were dealing with a murderer who shapeshifted into a cat, but we confirmed it this week.

We were also all a little bit crazed. In the best possible way.


Today was something of a Post Christmas Shopping Fail...

But the supermarket portion of the morning was fine.

It was more when we went to see if there was any leftover Christmas products at Haighs and took a trip to Target to see if the shorts I wanted were on sale.

Turns out that Haighs totally cleared out all of their Christmas products as soon as Christmas was over... assuming that they did just sell out before Christmas (which is plausible I guess). And it turned out that the vibe for shorts in general this year, at Target anyway, is elasticated waists... and... no, I don't think so. Also, the Target that we went to is kinda tiny and it did look a little like the locusts had been through and literally stripped shelves completely bare.

So that was that about that.

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