
photo saturday: new leif

leif - ranger, brewer, owl friendleif - ranger, cobbler, owl friend

So... sometimes you need to go back and completely redo a character. Turn over a new Leif if you will. Yeah, I know, shut up... but it was too good not to.

Welcome to today's DnD Character Colouring Book... where I completely re-do my backup character for the Friday night DnD game, because he's going to make his debut in two weeks.

I really liked the old version when I made him. A lot. But now looking at the new version, the old one just looks so bad by comparison. And I adore the new version.

Part of that is the Tundra gear set they dropped on Hero Forge a couple of weeks ago. It's so beautifully designed and has so many intricate little details. Also, yes, I made him a little less chonky, it just made the clothes sit better.

And I deepened his skin tone. I don't even really know why. He just... needed it to be darker.

But yeah... he's needed.

Not that Quillamina is dead... but she's been... taken off the board. By my own hand. But more on that later.

I started redoing his character sheet and got halfway through it and realised that I didn't actually want to make a Strength based ranger the way I originally designed him. Even though I really liked the ideas I had for his weapons. So that version of him is also getting a do-over. Same with the background I'd previously written. I need to live with him in my head for a little while to see who he tells me he is now that I have his visual look nailed down. Because I think he's somebody different to who he started out as.

On the plus side, I like him more now. And some of that old backstory will still function. But there's some other bits and pieces I need to mix in.

Moving on...

I've started doing "lasts"... as of last night. *ba dum tish*

Last loaf of DnD Bread baked in this house, last Saturday that Ma comes to this place before we go shopping, last time I'll drive home from Friday night DnD to this apartment. Last Photo Saturday post written entirely here.

Tomorrow will be the last time I go to the Village bakery on a Sunday.

It all feels... real now. Actually that happened earlier in the week, when I finally booked in the change of address for the electricity and gas and internet. Turns out I don't seem to have gas at the new place, which is a drag, because I much prefer gas hot water and gas for cooking. But it is what it is. Too late now.

I'm getting all out of order though. But I'm really all a bit jumbly right now honestly.

Rolling back to Monday. The woman from the land agent's office turned up with the "stylist" who I've been mentally calling Auntie Joan all week... not because her name was Joan or I have an Auntie Joan or she looked like any of my aunts... but she, herself, just looked like an Auntie Joan and not at all like a stylist who puts together rooms for real estate photos/open inspections.

They were here for about five minutes tops, I told the woman from my real estate agent about all the bits and pieces that have been issues and whatnot, and after they'd wandered around they headed off. All very painless.

Then she showed up again on Thursday with the painter. And because painter, they were at least 20 minutes later than the time she told me they'd be here. While they wandered around doing their thing, I started taking the shelves out of the empty kitchen cupboards and wiping them down, more to give myself something to do than anything else.

But then they left and I kept doing it... and then I had gone through all of the upper cupboards, wiped them down inside, reorganised the shelves in a couple of them and basically got them ready to go. So, bonus there.

I also called the moving company to have them talk me through the stupid insurance form, and spoke to the woman I'd spoken to originally, which was nice.

At various points during the week I dragged various bits and pieces out of wardrobes or cupboards or what have you and moved them to a more central area. Or in the case of all the cleaning supplies and the bathroom cabinet, transferred them into some green IKEA storage tubs that I have.

Fluffy and I had a conversation about the move on Friday night when he got here (last time he's coming here before a DnD game... I could do this all day long), which kind of helped me orientate some of my thinking that had been a little ephemeral into a more defined idea. Which was nice.

And then it was Friday night DnD.

So, remember last week, when I said we were all "technically" dead/fucked/paralysed? Yeah, turns out... that, but turned into frozen sculptures. Good times.

But a mystical NPC that keeps showing up... showed up... and gave us a choice. We could stay frozen for "years" and she could then get us out without an issue, or she could get us out immediately, but we'd have to fight a god. Yeah, not great options for any number of reasons.

And then I threw DM Fluffy a little bit of a curve ball. One that I had been considering before I even knew what the "consequence" for failing the "reward" test from last week were going to be.

"What if one of us stays behind in place of the others?"

Because... yes, Quill would 100% do that. She's the one that triggered the reward test in the room, she's the one that encouraged them to look in that room in the first place, she's the one that, really, convinced the other two to try for the reward. And... because of backstory motivations that Fluffy and I came up with between us, she's always felt like the goddess has kind of had it in for her.

The other two characters weren't fans of the idea, but the other choices were also unappealing. Fighting three phases of the avatar of a god... which maybe, possibly, we could have survived... maybe. Or waiting some number of years, which we also couldn't do because of other people's story stuff.

But I talked them around. Also, Quill is the one who has... done a lot of her story stuff. The adventure kind of frontloaded my character a little bit, just because of the way that Fluffy integrated my background with the existing story beats... and she's lost her husband, her son is safely off with the rangers that my backup character is a part of, so I have a built in reason to still care about his safety, and while there were some conversations I would have liked to have with certain NPCs about why they did certain things, none of it was... vital.

The other two characters, they still have outstanding stuff to do. We need to save Mr's sister and Mrs has to revisit a location she's connected to, and also work out what's going on with her and a competing god to the one we've been dealing with.

Plus, given that Mr and Mrs are totally roleplaying their characters being super into each other and Quill has, on a couple of occasions, given one or the other of them a gentle (and not so gentle) shove in that direction, so I wasn't about to separate them.

And my girl is TIRED... she's been through it. So taking a time out... even if you're not aware of time passing... it's a tempting proposition.

And yeah, we could have left behind the NPC... but that was absolutely the coward's way out. And too damn easy.

So, Quill stays behind... as a frozen statue... on the island of the Goddess of Winter. And we're skipping next week due to me moving house, but when we come back, I'll be playing a new character.

The time is just the TINIEST bit on the nose, honestly. I move house and move characters. Yeah, wow, you couldn't write nor plan this shit.

At the very least it gives me something that ISN'T moving house to occupy my brain for the next two weeks... so that's... helpful...


Today was... less productive than I thought I needed it to be but also more helpful than otherwise expected.

First up, shopping. I didn't buy a ton of stuff, because Thursday and Friday will be a write off in that regard. Plus the less I buy and don't consume within the week, the less I have to move.

But on the way to the supermarket I told Ma the story about Quill... and may have, at some point, finished that story by having a little scream in the car. Because, while I fully did it to myself with knowledge of what I was doing... I don't think the full weight of it 100% hit me until I was explaining it to someone who wasn't there.

We did the shopping, we came back here, I unpacked my brain for Ma about plans for the move, I unpacked the shopping.

Then we kind of tried to work out what needed packing vs what really needs to wait until Thursday and which of the weirdly shaped or fragile or otherwise odd objects I have left can be appropriately packed together. We did get through one box... then decided to head out to Officeworks to grab Ma a different phone cover than the one we originally bought when she got her phone, because that one turned out to be... a slippery noodle. Mostly though, we went to pick up a couple of their packing boxes.

Because I'm not going to have enough boxes otherwise. And there may or may not need to be a last minute mad dash to somewhere for additional boxes on Thursday afternoon. We'll have to see.

But we came back here and packed up some of the fragile teapots and cups and whatnot... in a box that I already had... so... there's that.

And then I sent Ma home. Because we'd done enough for today.

Six days and counting.

Current mood:

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