So I went with a 60's/70's psychedelic lich and a blue dragon (even though I think that's actually a red maybe given the frills and horns), because blue dragons. And also because blue dragons really don't seem to get all that much love. I can think of adventures where I've encountered (or run) gold, black, green, red, and white dragons... maybe also silver... but no blues. Weird.
Granted there is also a dearth of adventures set in the desert... plenty of mountains and snow, a lot of forest, some jungle, but almost no desert. And given that it appears the new hardcover (which always gets "leaked"... and if that's the case is it really a leak... and shouldn't they just get in front of that and announce it early?) is set in the snow and ice, no luck there either.
This week's DnD was... basically non-existent. Monday was so cancelled we didn't even do something else to fill in the space where DnD would normally be. Wednesday we had a late player cancellation, and a distinct lack of preparation time and desire to run something else. So I ended up just playing board games online with two of the players. Which was pleasant enough.
Friday night's game was... short. Frustratingly so. I understand when you say you want to finish the game by a certain time because of perfectly reasonable reasons. I understand why you have responsibilities you have to fulfil before you can start the game. But when you say at 7:30 that you're ten minutes away and then don't appear for just shy of an hour, that irks me. So instead of a two and a half hour game we only manage an hour and a half.
However, it's also intriguing to me that one of the other characters (and the player) is mystified by my character's reactions to them. I won't say that it's perfectly obvious, but there are a set of reasons, each one resulting from a choice his character made, which my character sees as black marks against them. Including one in Friday night's game. Which then led to a ridiculous conversation between his character and the other character about my character... and advice was given that will be a Very Bad Idea if it's acted upon.
And given that player, he's totally going to act on it.
I mean, all he has to do is ask my character what the problem is... but he won't.
We'll see what happens.
I made faux-nestrone soup this week (you know, fake minestrone), it was decent, but I just wasn't feeling it on Friday... which is fine. Otherwise... the weather was nicer this week (well, freezing cold at night, but sunny during the day) and I was able to have the door open, get some of that winter sun up in my life.
Until today when everything went to crap. Weather wise anyway.
Ma had her hair-did today (that's a thing that people did in the before-times, when you didn't have to flee from strangers)... so I was on my own with the shopping. Which was all good.
Did the shopping, came home, did the unpacking, poddled around til Ma arrived, and then because of shitful weather, we just hung out here. Did the YubTubs thing... also Ma had been looking through her cookbooks for an old family recipe and found a bunch of recipe books, some very old vintage handwritten ones, the oldest of which was from maybe the 30's... it could be earlier, I honestly have no idea. And one of those ones that were clearly originally typewritten books full of recipes gathered from various people (I know we had one that was collected from parents at my school and full of horrid 70's or 80's recipes)... sadly this one was lacking a cover, so we have no provenance for it... but given the names, it seemed like it came from some eastern European social group, again, probably the 70's... and wow.
Not a good wow. I did a good half an hour on the recipes, because either the people involved didn't understand how recipes work (one, titled Egg and Cheese pie, had a list of ingredients... egg was not listed... it only appeared suddenly in the middle of the method), and others didn't appear to understand food. It was hilarious yet horrifying.
That was that really.
Current mood:
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