
photo saturday: colour tones

scribblesskull crew
I've been sitting here staring at a blank page for the last 16 YouTube videos... And I just had some handmade toast. I mean technically all toast is handmade, kinda... you don't buy toast at the supermarket. But this was toast made with the first loaf of bread I've made since, like, Easter.

Yeah, this is what happens when I sit and stare at a blank page... you get babble.


I made a fuckton of chilli this week. It was pretty damn good, I grated a bunch of vegetables and added those in, which added some veggy goodness without changing the texture of the chilli. There was a lot of it though.

This week's DnD was in the Monday, Wednesday, Friday groove... with Friday actually being boardgames instead. The only real difference to any of the games other than that was the fact that one of my former Monday boys, the previously mentioned Canadia, joined the Wednesday crowd. I think he had fun, or at least I hope so. We'll see if he actually shows up again this coming Wednesday.

Friday was supposed to be our first game back in-person since the world caught fire, but at the last minute, as in the morning of, there was a change of plans and we decided to go back to online, and then we didn't end up actually playing DnD. So technically it all worked out I guess.

It was certainly better than going to actual effort and us not playing. I say "actual effort", but as the top of this post indicates, I had already made bread at that point. I risked opening my busted ass oven door in order to make bread for a game that didn't happen. And it nearly didn't close again. Of course it didn't close after I'd opened it to get the tray out, close it after getting the tray out, opened it to put the bread in and then was closing it with the oven at temperature and the bread in situ. Grrrr.

I mean I managed it, but yeah, that's it... not touching the door til they come and fix it properly. And if I don't hear from them about it about midway through this week, I'll send them yet another email. Like how hard is it to keep someone informed about a maintenance request? I mean, that's part of your job, right? Urgh.

Anyway... massive distraction while I messed around with Photoshop for a not insignificant amount of time.

But that brings us to today... which was... not much of anything honestly.

We did the supermarket thing... I'm making "random soup with chorizo and tomato" this week... I'll make it up as I go I guess. More so than usual I mean.

Then it was back here, the usual stuff... Ma wanted to go to Spotlight, I needed to go to Officeworks, so we did that. We didn't linger in either place honestly.

On the way back we decided to go grab some pizza, then came back to my place to eat.

And that was it really.

Current mood:

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