
photo saturday: be-leaf me

grey succulentmorning drops

english ginsengyellow curls
Every year around this time I mentioned that there's usually a week where I start out in shorts and a teeshirt and end up in trackpants and a hoodie...

This week was the exact opposite of that. Cold to start and then way to warm at the end. The whole world has gone topsy turvy.

Otherwise it wasn't a particularly exciting week.

I'm back to four DnD games at week at present... And oddly, although the point of Thursday was to be able to go back to playing whatever random character I felt like, I've ended up playing a regular character on Thursdays (at least for the next few weeks). That does tend to happen though... you go through stages of characters... and some end up falling by the wayside, others you keep wanting to come back to.

On Monday one of my players gave me a copy of the Dungeons and Dragons Art and Arcana book as thanks for being his DM for the last year or so. It was incredibly sweet, but thankfully it was a book he'd gotten secondhand/cheaper than retail price, because otherwise it's a far too generous gift.

Wednesday was interesting or frustrating or both, I don't know. I've started playing a big dumb orc character who is basically very sweet but very dumb, and I love playing him... and he's the only character I've ever played who has elicited people telling me how much they love him, but also two different people spontaneously drawing him during my games with them. The downside to this week was that I was playing on a table of 7 people... which is never ideal. Honestly we should have split into two tables.

The Wednesday night game was very low key. Which absolutely wasn't a bad thing.

Thursday was a... curated session. And I say that because it was a small group, handpicked by the DM and a couple of us had asked her to run certain adventures so that our characters could adventure together again. I'll be honest, I was excited about three quarters of the players (myself included), but the other player isn't... as bitchy as this sounds... on our level. But it's not my table, and he's not a massive disruption, so I'll put up with it for the time being.

Otherwise it wasn't an overly exciting week.

I did discover on Friday that we missed the Port Adelaide Wonderwalls Street Art Festival last week. Disappointing, but it's not like the artworks are going anywhere, but it's something we'll have to put on the calendar before too long.

Today wasn't much of anything either honestly.

We've reached that time of the year again... Soup Season. Or at the very least I'm going to try it out this week, see how it goes. To be honest, I'm just tired of trying to make decisions about what the hell to make for dinner, especially since I'm currently out three nights a week.

So we'll start with vegetable soup and move forward from there.

It also meant that today's shopping was a little on the sparser side, which is as it probably should be.

After shopping we really didn't have much of a plan, but Ma wanted some thing in the city, so we headed that way and had a wander. I completely and totally forgot I wanted some glue (for a project), not that there's any rush on that, but still.

And that was about it. Now all I have to do is actually remember to make soup tomorrow .

Current Mood:

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