
fringe: you and i

adelaide fringe: you & i
Three years ago I saw Jesse Scott and Lachie MacAulay from Casus Circus in Tolu and was incredibly impressed... so when they returned with You & I, a show about "the loving relationship between two circus artists", I knew I had to see it.

And it was so beautiful.

Not since 2015's Bromance have I been this moved by a circus show... in fact, much like that show, I was brought almost to tears on multiple occasions.

Given the description of the show, I assume Scott and MacAulay are in a relationship... and this show is a sweet, simple, funny and moving look into that relationship.

And they're able to draw the audience into their world.

It made me so happy to see a gay relationship presented so matter-of-factually within a circus show, it wasn't subtext, it was just the text of the show.

From the sweet tumbling routine that opens the show to Scott's hula hoop routine, their hilarious attempts at playing dress-ups to two-person chair balancing, culminating in an amazing trapeze routine that drew gasps from the audience, everything about this show serves the narrative of their relationship.

But the part of the show that really struck me was when MacAulay disappears from the stage, leaving Scott alone, and the ways he deals (or doesn't) with the loneliness. It was more than a little heartbreaking even if his solo trapeze work was exceptional, but when MacAulay returns and "heals" Scott made my heart swell.

There are moments when it might feel the tiniest little voyeuristic (the flashlight sequence for example), but just because of how sweet they are together and how much in love they seem to be.

I'm so glad that they let us into their world, and I hope we see more shows like this from them in the years to come.

yani's rating: 5 chairs out of 5

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