
photo saturday: what a beach

over the harbourtan work

hut 56bondi sunday
This week has been hell... by which I mean the temperature ascended to an actual literal hellscape.

As evidence, I submit these two tweets from the SA Bureau of Meteorology on Thursday (and a fuckton of places around the state also broke previous records for highest temperature):
ADELAIDE RECORD. West Terrace has just cracked 46.2C at 1:42pm, after 130 years of records, beating its previous record of 46.1 on 12 January 1939 
Adelaide is now the hottest capital in Australia, having just reached 46.6C at 3:35pm, beating the previous record in Melbourne of 46.4
The rest of the week wasn't much better.

Fuck everything.

Well, everything except air-conditioning, which allowed me to function as an actual human being for the majority of the week.

This week's DnD felt like it was portentous, but several things just happened to coincidentally line up. To start with I rounded out the finale of a series of adventures on Monday... and while I felt like I was flailing without a net in the first half last week, the second half went much more smoothly.

I also got to do a number of callbacks, which I always enjoy. So that was good.

Wednesday we finally brought the storyline I've been playing since 27 September 2017 to a close... problematically not a completely satisfying or completely successful close, but a close non the less. But my character didn't die, I gave the other characters the letters I'd written them and got the emotional reactions I was looking for (including oddly, from the player who didn't read the letter at all, which was fitting for his character... whether he ever does or not, I don't really care).

I wish we'd done a few things differently, all the way up to missing a number of clues in previous adventures that are obvious in retrospect, but were close to impossible to see in the moment.

The only downside is I have no fucking idea what the hell we're going to do this coming Wednesday.

Wednesday night's game was much less lethal and much more verbal (as usual), and we finally had what I consider to be the core group back together. I also burned my lip so badly on a party pie it blistered, so swings and roundabouts.

Thursday was a good game overall, but the fact that it was the 46.6C day, the game shop has dysfunctional air-conditioning and my car has none... yeah, it was a little bit of a trying time. But it was also the end of a trilogy of stories, which is sad given that I enjoyed playing that particular character again (my first and oldest... well, oldest in the sense of since I actually started playing). And the DM is very good, so hopefully it won't be too long before I get to be on his table for something else.

So DnD in general next week is looking like it could be a little bit of a mixed bag. We'll see I guess.

Otherwise this week was mostly staying indoors hiding from the heat.

Oh, and because I mentioned it last week, my knee completely returned to normal after the extreme bout of "ow" I had last Saturday. Granted it wasn't until about Tuesday (if memory serves, it may have been slightly earlier), but it improved a little each day, so I wasn't freaking out about it.

Today was essentially nothing.

We did the supermarket thing, but a) it's Australia Day (technically, the day off is Monday, but the day is actually today), b) Ma is in the process of packing her house to move in early February and c) there were no movies I really gave a crap about and d) we had nowhere we needed/wanted to go. So instead we hung around my place chatting until about noon, then wandered over to the Village for some lunch before she toddled off home.

So, yeah...

Current Mood:

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