
photo saturday: das circles

curbside nightluna spokes

sky holepainted g
This week felt more like a normal week... for a sliding scale of whatever the hell normal is anyway.

There were not one, not two, not even three but four games of DnD... which made my Wednesday a little full on.

Monday's game... yeah, let's assign that to the m'eh pile. I didn't have my full group back from various Christmas things, I was running a very Christmas themed adventure and after juggling the universe for a long period of time to avoid having to interact with a particular individual, there wasn't really a way to avoid having him on my table. I mean it wasn't hideous, but yeah, definitely someone I want far, far away from me in the future.

Otherwise, the session was pretty good... I'd decided to try and go as long as possible without referring directly to "Santa" during the adventure, and made it maybe halfway through before I slipped up. Not that it was surprising anyone, you go to his workshop to make toys and then hijinks ensue for fucks sake.

It's silly, but it's fun. And now it goes back in the drawer until next year.

Wednesday was... good, but frustrating, but also good. We're finishing up a "campaign" (and I use the term very loosely, since I've been at every single one of the sessions bar one over the last eighteen or so months, but I've seen so many others cycle through it's not even funny), and we're at the abode of the big bad... and it's just frustrating. And the DM is a little too lethal, or a little too bent on keeping us at emotional and physical breaking point (as characters)... or at least at the point where we're fast running out of resources.

And I'll say it, not my preferred style of gameplay... yes, it fits the setting, yes it makes narrative sense, but I've already lost one character to this particular campaign (and while I could probably bring her back, I'm honestly not sure it's worth it given the circumstances, since everything she owns bar magic items has also been destroyed). And I think possibly it's just gone on that little bit too long.

Wednesday evening's game was tame by comparison. Given it's a different DM, different DM style and honestly, we all want exactly what our DM is putting into the world for this particular campaign. It did mean that we spent about three hours doing something that the DM expected would take us about 10 minutes, partially because I think we were all a little slow on the uptake.

But it was rich, juicy roleplay, and I loved every minute of it.

Thursday's game let me return to my very first character for the first time in about six months... which was fantastic. And it was someone I haven't had DM a full game for me before, but who I've both played with and run a game for. Plus is was a Tier 3 game, which I've only played a handful of, and only once with this character. Which made it a great game. Sure, there was at least one person I would happily have launched from the table directly into the sun, but that's Adventure's League for you.

I also got to have a chat with one of my DnD friends who I've been a little worried about this week... a bunch of stuff had been going on with him, and I think he needed some of that good, clean Yani energy, because he turned up randomly on Wednesday at the store just to get a prolonged hug before heading on his way, and then he was there on Thursday, not at the same table, but in the room, and I drove him home afterwards and got all of the juicy gossip and delivered much of the hugs.

Otherwise, a slow week... my new headphones (after my other ones mostly gave up the ghost last week, but are still powering on due to the magic powers of superglue) arrived, you guessed it, on the one day I'm actually out of the house, Wednesday. So technically they didn't arrive at all on Wednesday and instead arrived on Friday when the nice man handed them too me and made me sign an electronic pad with my finger.

I haven't used them yet, but they look pretty.

Still a little sad I couldn't find a pair with only one cable like the ones I already have though.

Today we had a plan, but we also needed to do a little bit of hot shoe shuffle in order for us to actually get to our plan.

We started with the supermarketry. I honestly need to work out how much stuff I need to buy currently, because I'm out three nights a week at present, plus the rest of Wednesday, so it's all a bit out of whack to be honest. And I'm still intending to eat my way through basically everything in my freezer, provided I can actually find things that are still edible and not frozen hunks of concrete.

But otherwise, average.

Then back here, usual rigmarole. We decided last week that this week was a good time to go to the movies for the last of the How To Train Your Dragon movies, and we could have gone to Marion again (having only done that a couple of weeks ago), or fill in some time and then go to the GU Film House in the city. Given that it's school holidays and it's a family movie, we decided the city was a better idea, since there would be much less people there (news flash, we were correct, total of about a dozen people I think).

So we killed some time at Big W, Kmart and Officeworks, doing the Goodwood Road, Anzac Highway, city circle. Nothing mind boggling... we looked at pretty much all the things we usually look at, plus some things we don't. Bought a few bits of nothing much. Essentially killed some time.

Then we headed into town and the movies. Only to discover that we were there at 12:30 for a 1:15 session and the movie complex didn't actually open until 12:45, because reasons I guess. So more time was killed.

After the movie (more on that later, as always) we just headed back here and Ma toddled off down the road to home.

Current Mood:

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