This week's post is brought to you by the letters "FML" and any number lower than 30.
The numbers, because it would have been nice to have more days with a temperature lower than that... or a night time temperature under 20.
As for FML, partly that's the heat, but we'll get to the rest of it.
I properly felt out of my depth for the first real time running a DnD game this week. I get why... the adventure is much more complex, but I do need to relay to the person who ran it for me and the Thursday numbskulls my admiration for the fact that he did a much better job.
And we have the second half of that adventure still to run this coming Monday. But that should be easier, all things considered.
I pulled the plug this week on the Wednesday night game (just for this week, not forever), partly because the guy who usually acts as taxi wasn't going to be there, which made me taxi-man, plus the heat, plus the fact that our DM had annoyed me earlier in the week.
It turned out to be a good idea anyway, because it allowed us to play for 6 hours at the Wednesday day game. Yeah... it was A LOT. I went toe to toe with the big bad guy and did 100 damage in a single turn, then got my ass handed to me by his minions and the other big bad.
And our DM finally revealed that he'd been sitting on a switcharoo between one of the NPCs and a villain we thought we'd killed already. Damn him... so now we have two different big bads to kill. Not to mention that my character is currently alone, all the party having turned on him thanks to the other big bad's ability to charm creatures.
So they're all planning a wedding, and I spent the last quarter of the game handing from a tree over a mountainous ravine, fully expecting that character to die. I'll be honest with you, I'm kind of disappointed that he didn't. If places had been reversed and I'd been the charmed one, I like to think that I would have just thrown one of them into the ravine without missing a beat.
No idea what the hell I'm going to do next week (although I'm in the process of writing them all letters that the character had already written them... because what use are friends if you can't emotionally manipulate them), but the character is most likely going to try and settle in for a rest, regain his lost health and spells, summon his celestial steed before he tries to head out again. And I also know that there is approximately 0.0000001% chance of me actually being able to do that once we sit back down at the table.
Thursday was a very talky game, but oddly, compared with the very fighty game last week, I lost more health this time. I also got to pretend to be a weird creature (on top of pretending to be my character). So that was a change of pace. Also the second time this particular character has done the body switching thing.
My comments about the group of players from last week remain the same since it was the same group. And will remain the same group for the third part of the trilogy next week.
Otherwise it was too damn hot this week.
Except that this was also Haircut Week and Chiro Week... fortunately not on the hottest of the days.
At least it was a little cooler up in the hills for Haircut Day. It was a very "on rails" visit, we did all the usual things, but Tink Jr was taking up all the air in the room as only a 7 year old can. Not in a bad way especially, but yeah, she is definitely a handful.
Chiro Day came with a side order of "ow my leg"... not from the chiro visit, but my knee had been giving me problems since about Wednesday morning, making life less fun, and my chiro said it was probably caused by my hips being slightly out of whack. Seriously, almost everything that falls apart on me is in some way related to my back.
But because she adjusted both my hips and my knee, it was a little whingy both last night and all day today. I may need to take another visit in the next week or so if it doesn't settle down like I hope it's going to.
Anyway... today wasn't really anything.
Shopping was minimal at best... I just buy too much stuff, don't use it all and it ends up going to waste, so I'm trying to only buy what I need, but I don't know what I need or what I want, so I buy stuff I think is going to be fine, and hope for the best.
Oh and Ma is moving between now and the Fringe. Much as I did in 2016. We definitely know how to move house in my family. Not. Hopefully her move will be much less stressful than my last one (although I do tend to find that moving stress is often inversely proportioned to how eager you are to move out of the old house... as in, from Childers Street to Wellington Square, very eager, from Wellington Square to here, not eager at all).
It also meant we really didn't have anything we wanted to do, and I didn't want to spend the day sitting, because in direct contrast to what you would expect, sitting is worse than walking around when it comes to my knee.
So we went to West Lakes. Which we haven't done in a while... at least since they totally redid the David Jones store down there. And we basically just wandered around the place, poked around in the stores we usually poke around in, and that was about that.
We did stop in the little cafe in David Jones for some lunch though, and that was very pleasant. And much quieter and less urgh than the food court. So we need to remember that in future I think... not just for there, but for DJs in general.
And that's it for the day really.
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