
post christmas round-up 2018

christmas tree with presents 2018
You know what sucks? Feeling sick on Christmas. Even when you don't really give a shit about this particular Christmas because of reasons.

And I'd been feeling mediocre before that... mostly due to that seasonal "ear infection" I seem to get this time of year... but this one mostly snuck up on me on Sunday, progressing to basically a full on flu/cold/completely blocked ear.

So, all the fun stuff.

I did my usual Christmas Eve pizza, watched Arthur Christmas and went to bed at a reasonable hour, but unfortunately with a head full of both snot and cotton wool (don't think about that too hard to for too long to be honest), I had trouble sleeping and I think I woke up roughly ever hour from about 2:30am (and I don't think the fact that it's been hot and I slept with the evaporative cooler right next to the bed helped the cold/flu/ear issue).

An auspicious start to the day.

But I got up, had a shower, started to feel a little more human, did a little bit of pottering about, then loaded up the car and headed to Ma's place, arriving a bit before 8am.

Thinking about it, there really isn't any reason that I need to get there that early, especially as we don't go and see La Cousina in the morning any more... but it's what we do, so it's what I did.

As usual, Ma wasn't especially organised when I got there... I mean she was, being in the midst of making the Christmas morning batch of Ham Hearts, but she was also still in her pyjamas. But the baking didn't take that long and I sent her upstairs to get ready while I watched over the heating of the traditional Christmas croissants (with ham and cheese this year).

We followed that up with the also traditional cleaning up, I think I also put the lunch table flatware and cutlery out at that point (I don't know, I know it all happens, but the order of things is somewhat of a mystery, since it all just happens).

Then it was time for presents.

my christmas presents 2018
The one bonus to buying things in like April and putting them away for Christmas is that you entirely forget that they're a thing (in this case, that applies to both the Lego and the neon ampersand).

  • Lego Dimensions Ghostbusters (2016) Story Pack
  • Teen Wolf Season 6, Parts 1 and 2
  • Typo Disney 2019 calendar
  • Neon ampersand
  • Diecast Disney Stitch "Nano Metalfig"
  • Christmas tree tongs
  • Perrymans gingerbread men/reindeers
  • Terry's Chocolate Orange
  • Sour Cream and Onion Pringles
  • Bassets Jelly Babies Snowmen

Honestly, I think the little neon ampersand we picked up at... Big W (if memory serves) is my favourite thing this year... I mean it's not much of anything, but it's pretty and it will be a good replacement for the neon Christmas tree when that goes away sometime over the next week or so.

Ma knew pretty much everything she was getting this year, but she did like both the calendar and the dice set, which she didn't know about, so that was good.

After we were done with that and I'd taken some photos I was planning to sit down and send Christmas messages out to various people but got beaten to the punch by someone I wouldn't have expected, which was nice... so cue about a five minute montage of me texting or otherwise messaging various people.

I'll be honest, I'm a little crap at those kinds of messages, so it was all just basically "Merry Christmas" along with a couple of appropriate emoji.

Ma did a similar thing when she realised what I was doing... so, yes, insert total Christmas texting montage.

It also turned out that La Cousina and Ma had gotten crossed wires about what the plans were for seeing each other, so we never actually saw them. Which was fine.

Then we started working on putting together the Weber and the stuff to go in it. Between bouts of that Ma put Arthur Christmas on since she hadn't just watched it... and I'll be honest, I probably had more than a few little microsleeps since I'd only just seen it.

We never quite got to the end since there was other prep that needed to happen for lunch.

christmas table with salad 2018
We ended up sitting down at about 2pm, but everything came together quite nicely, including the dressing I made with apple cider vinegar, oil and cranberry (not quite enough cranberry to be honest, but still tasty).

The potatoes were beautifully roasted, the meats (turkey and sausage) were moist... I ended up having about two bowls worth.

As usual, neither of us particularly felt like dessert immediately afterwards, so we tidied up and then I ran the modified DnD adventure for Ma.

I think she had fun. And she got to see me running a game, doing all the stupid voices and whatnot. And it killed a couple of hours.

And it was better than falling asleep in front of a movie.

Then we had some dessert (the usual "Eton Mess" we've made the last few years), watched a little of the 1966 Batman movie and made fun of pretty much everything (they HAD to know it was a total joke, right?), before switching over for a little Wallace and Grommit.

That was about it... we packed up my leftovers and I headed home at about 6pm.

I didn't do much of anything when I got home... had a shower (the drive home was quite warm), picked at a little bit of food, watched some stuff on YouTube and then called it a night.

So, it was probably an even more anti-climactic Christmas than usual, but it also wasn't the most awful thing ever.

Current Mood:

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