
photo saturday: minifig-hers

minifig-hers calendar 2019
The theme of this year's holiday celebrations is "last minute".

I don't like last minute.

For example, I only got around to making Ma's 2019 calendar a couple of weeks ago, and only printed it and got it appropriately bound this week.

And the printer didn't want to play nicely, which meant that they all printed a little weirdly. Which is on top of the fact that the focus is off enough on the individual minifig faces that I want to entirely remake the calendar.

But anyway...

Oh, because I never got around to posting anything about last Sunday's trip to Ma's place for the annual making of the goodies, here's an image of the end result, followed by the shortest possible synopsis.

christmas goodies 2018 - peanut butter balls, tim tam baileys truffles, candy cane truffles and rocky road

  • I didn't go down there super early
  • we got distracted by more interesting but less productive things
  • I managed to completely forget how to make the candy cane truffles (although they worked out fine in the end)
  • this year's Turkish Delight was the best for cutting up we've had in a good long time
  • I always need to remember to add a little Copha to the chocolate for Rocky Road
  • Ma's marble cutting board makes the best photo background
  • I came home later than I would have liked, but it didn't really matter that much
I also took some along to two of the three DnD games this week. They were well received, as always. 

This week's DnD was about average. Although on Monday I finally got to fun for the guy who ran for me on Thursday last week, so that was nice. And for the first time in a while, they actually managed to stretch a two hour module out to around 4 hours.

Wednesday's game was less intense than the previous one, a little more annoying at time, and as characters we said goodbye to one of the group who has been around for a while now, but I think the last couple of modules have been a little too much for both character and, to a lesser extent, player.

But we did come up with several of the stupidest plans ever at the end of the game, while resulted in two somewhat competing plans that saw us Looney Tuning it, "cutting" a hole in the floor under the villain, then she and one of the characters plummeted 1000 feet down the side of a mountain (he survived, she didn't). It was supposed to be a big fight that should have taken about an hour... because of ridiculousness we managed to wrap it all up in under 20 minutes even though we were mostly out of health, spells and fucks to give.

Thursday's game my S/M cleric made a friend and found a protege... but also had to both actually heal someone AND do damage to an enemy (I'd made a bet with myself on how long it would take... answer, two and a half games). Granted it was the same person more than once, and he only ever did it when they got knocked out... because of course.

The protege thing snuck up on me... I didn't realise until the player told me at the end of the game... my character would have known... he's more insightful than my dumbass. So we'll see where that goes. Also, as a general rule, never start a staring contest with me.

Thursday was also both Haircut Day and the day I went to get the calendar bound.

Not at the same time though.

It's always good when your friend/hairdresser has tradesmen working in their yard and one of them is very cute and definitely worth perving on.

As far as the haircut is concerned... the same, and also the same silvery dye job we've done a couple of times now.

Tink's older daughter appeared half-way through (not like a magic trick or anything, the older one was on errands with dad, the younger one was at childcare) and made me a very pretty rainbow loomband bracelet (like, it's legitimately really nice looking), then I just hung around with Tink for a while, and ended up discovering how to make a perfect paper aeroplane (by accident... I did what I would normally have done up to a certain point and then accidentally did something different and shazam, perfect plane), drew a drawing and then took myself home (followed by going straight back out to Officeworks to get the calendar done).

I then needed to go and pick up the calendar on Friday afternoon, since it was better if I left it there overnight so that they didn't have to rush it. And the final version looks good, all things considered (focus issues notwithstanding).

Then today wasn't much of anything really.

Ma was getting her hair did this morning, so I did the supermarket run on my own... And I know I say this any time there's a holiday or whatnot, but why do all of you people appear out of the woodwork only at these times? And why does everyone lose their mind buying food at Christmas. I mean, I get it... but even so, fucking calm down and go away.

Anyway... I did my thing, and managed to get home relatively quickly (granted I got there earlier than I might otherwise do when I'm shopping alone). Then hung out and waited for Ma to arrive.

The plan had been to go to the movies. But everything was either not that interesting, on too late (relatively speaking) or too far away.

So we didn't do anything. We sat around and chatted for about quarter of an hour and then she toddled off home.

But a better plan than battling through all of the stupid unorganised Christmas shoppers, even just to go to the movies.

Current Mood:

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