
photo saturday: freeze frame

action shottest shot

wet shotad shot
I made it all the way through Winter with only a brief hint of being sick... so of course, now that we're in the middle of September, this is when I get sick.


I mean, it could be worse, but I'm (unsurprisingly) fucking not enjoying it.

In other news, my soup this week was an odd combination between minestrone and chicken noodle... basically it was chicken noodle soup, but with tomatoes. And it was pretty damn good, partially I think because I put large cubes of chicken in rather than pulling it all apart. I also didn't go crazy on the noodles, which helps.

This week's DnD is... ongoing. In so much as I'm supposed to be running games tonight and tomorrow night at ConCentric, which is just down the road from me. Part of me hopes there aren't enough people about for me to end up with a table, because I hate the adventures I'm supposed to be running. We'll see what happens.

Also on Wednesday of this week, it finally happened, the moment in which I got so emotionally invested in a particular NPC (non-player character) that I kinda got a bit weepy. Partially it was because I'm sick, partially it was just a significant moment for the story, and for my character, and I was 100% on board with it. Yes! More crying in DnD!

Thursday was actually fun, we played at the DM's house instead of one of the players, which also meant I didn't need to drive anybody anywhere afterwards (yay)... not that I mind driving the DM home, we have good chats, but it was nice to do something different, and it was the group of players I now consider the core players for that particular storyline (sorry to the others, but they don't show up enough, and things are more likely to go off the rails if they do).

I also had what I can only describe as "the best laugh in a while" on Thursday night due to the reactions of one of the characters to what can best be described as "mushroom government bureaucracy" (don't ask). Basically I laughed my ass off.

Today was mostly inconsequential.

This morning was fairly wild and windy after a perfectly lovely couple of preceding days (fucking random weather bullshit), and we did the usual supermarket thing. I decided that I wanted to make soup that was some combination of potato and leek and pea and ham, so basically potato and pea and leek and ham. We'll see how that works out, but I'm pretty sure I've done something similar a bunch of times already, so it should be fine.

Afterwards we didn't really have much of anything going on, so we headed out to do a couple of small errands, nothing overly exciting... so unexciting in fact, that we were all done by about 12:30.

Current Mood:

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