
photo saturday: construction destruction

green scaffoldstair work

river scaffoldrim work
Sometimes you just have to recognise that the only reason you're getting so worked up about certain things is not because they're actually important things in the scheme of the universe, but they're important to you at this particular moment in time because you spend a large amount of your time and energy immersed in them.

I am, however, attempting to practice Morpheus logic... "what happened, happened and couldn't have happened any other way". I mean, yes, it absolutely should have happened another way, but we live in the universe where it came out this way instead, so we have to proverbially like it or lump it.

And the fact that I'm talking about changes to the Adventurer's League system for DnD shouldn't come as a shock to anyone I've spoken to in real life in the last six or so weeks. The biggest issue that I have with any of it is that they claim to be changing things for one set of reasons, when that absolutely makes no sense. If you need to change things because of reasons, then at least be clear and honest about what the reasons are.

Anyway... Monday's game was good because I got to use two completely random NPCs at different times to freak my players out... and when you've set things up in previous adventures with those players and they latch on to those ideas even though there's no reason for those NPCs to be connected, it's great because it does a bunch of my work for me in creating mood and atmosphere without me having to do anything more than say "yes".

Wednesday's game lead directly to a) a cool nickname for one of my characters (although he'll be specific about who can use it), b) a very odd scenario and c) me creating an in-world artifact (again)... because sometimes you absolutely need a book of Dragonborn-themed nursery rhymes.

Thursday... I don't honestly know what's doing on with Thursdays. When you're playing an adventure where it's kind of important that all seven people (well, eight including the DM) show up, and then only four people show up, and often it's only five or six people, yeah, that's a problem. Of course, the fact that when it's all seven people it's a little bit chaotic and a bit of a hot mess is also a problem, albeit a different problem.

Ah, fuck it... shit will either resolve itself or it won't.

Anyway... I couldn't be bothered with soup last week, given the previous week's disaster, so instead it was tuna mornay... not perhaps my most effective version, but not bad all things considered.

Otherwise, the only real interesting thing this week was Haircut Day... which got moved to Friday this week because of reasons.

Mostly it was about the same as usual, although we did try something a little different with the hair colour... with... underwhelming results. When the hair colour says silver, you expect something a little more... intense. What I got was basically a not very strong ash blonde. I mean it's nice... but it wasn't what either of us were expecting.

Possibly next time, if we do a bleach pass of my hair first before we put the silver through... we'll see.

Today was... well, about average to be honest. I did have to get up fairly early to tidy the apartment, wash some dishes and change the bedding... all things I probably should have done somewhat earlier, but managed to avoid getting around to.

Then we did a run out to Big W, picked up a few bits and pieces, although nothing over exciting (printer paper, some adhesive tape etc), before taking a drive down to Glenelg for no particular reason. And doing a full walk up and down Jetty Road, and having a wander around Cheap as Chips.

You know when you've been looking for a particular thing in every single appropriate store you go in for months and months and months and months... and nobody has it, and then you finally find what you're looking for. It's very exciting, even if the item in question is a clear plastic shower curtain.

So we bought two each.

After that we grabbed some pies from Orange Spot Bakery (always a good plan) and found a spot down by the beach where we could sit in the car and eat them.

Not an exciting day, but a productive one.

Current Mood:

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