This week was busy in theory if not in actuality.
Also, before we dive into that, can I just mention that there's a difference between knowing why someone's doing something and judging them for the way they're doing it. Yes, I completely understand why you're doing this thing, it makes perfect sense that you would be doing this thing, you probably should be doing this thing. You're just being an asshole in the way you're going about it. Or rather you're being an asshole because you're just dumping all the other portions of your life onto the proverbial dump in order to do this other thing.
In case it's not clear, I still haven't been able to speak with The Boy... because he's, you guessed it, dumping all the other portions of his life in order to make room for the new girlfriend. And of course this means that all those times in a week where I may have been able to have a conversation with him no longer exists, although not always for that reason.
I'll be honest, I'm pissed at him, but the only saving grace is that he's probably not really aware he's doing it... or aware it'll have an affect on the people around him. Mostly me. But if he screws other things up as well I'm going to be more pissed.
In either scenario, there is a conversation happening, it's just a matter of when.
Okay, lets do this on a day by day basis...
I made chicken soup... excellent chicken soup for someone who can't chop things as easily as before... and also, I'll admit, with a non-zero amount of trepidation about doing certain movements involving knives.
Maybe a little salty, but still excellent (and as I said on Instagram, that makes it much like myself).
Average for the most part, up to and including the DnD game. I did start trying to work out what to do with that table once we finish the current cycle of games, and I think I've bought myself another month's worth of games... the good thing potentially is that if I start them on a new cycle I can get them all to start brand new characters, but we'll see what happens.
Depending on how many people are actually at the table this coming Monday, I may run the game on Super Hardcore Mode and see how they go... they do feel like a party that can handle it, especially now that they have an actual cleric.
I was supposed to be running another DnD game... one for the female friendly group... but nobody actually bothered to show up besides myself and the other DM, so we had a chat for a couple of hours and then called it a day.
This wasn't perhaps the most intense DnD game we've had with those characters, but it was a very full table. I also really enjoy playing with people whose characters my character doesn't like. Usually it's better when I like that person, but sometimes when they are someone I like but currently are mildly annoying it's equally as good.
And we did have someone playing who doesn't normally play, but who I quite enjoy playing with.
We can file this under me being generally annoyed. It started on Wednesday with the DM for our regular Thursday game not wanting to run this week... fair enough, but also, fuck you for telling us on Wednesday. I also happened to be playing with someone who could fill in as our DM on Wednesday and asked him to talk to the group and then somebody let me know what was going on.
And that was basically the holding pattern I was left in until roughly 5pm Thursday afternoon. So much so that I was very tempted to tell them all to go fuck themselves and go play with randos at the game store.
I mean partially I was waiting to see how long it would take them to work out that nobody had communicated with the non-Facebook-using member of the group, and partially I was being a passive aggressive bitch for roughly the same reasons.
But in the end I messaged the guy who is usually my ride on Thursdays and it all got sorted. And I'm glad I went, we played our "usual" Thursday characters (or at least the characters that know each other best and for the longest time). And we played in a different person's house, and he has little fluffy dogs who are the best. Especially the newest one, who is sooooo tiny and fluffy and who I spent 90% of the time we were there cradling in one hand.
To quote Agnes from Despicable Me, "It's so fluffy, I'm gunna die".
Another day of going into the city first thing in the morning, relatively speaking (early as in as early as I went into town Tuesday and Wednesday) to my doctor's appointment.
And now I know exactly what my finger looks like under the bandages. Basically the end is one big, gross, almost black scab. Also hopefully somewhere underneath all that my finger is regenerating itself. But the doctor and the nurse both seem to be happy with it, so that's great. And bits of it are randomly itching, which I'm sure is also great.
I'm still not sure how many weeks I'll need to me making a weekly run to the GP though. I'd like to be able to sync the appointment up with some other time I'm in town, but that doesn't seem likely just yet.
Mostly I just want to be able to type properly and bend my finger in all the places it's supposed to bend, which is not something that is happening right now.
Also known as Saturday.
We did the supermarket thing... I'm pointing myself in the general direction of tomato soup this week, so we'll see how that goes.
Then afterwards we headed over to Burnside Village briefly to visit the popup Christmas shop that appeared earlier in the week. And supposedly was there this time last year, but clearly I never fucking saw the damn thing for the two and a half months it was there.
It's perhaps more catered to the Old Ladies of Burnside than my particular taste, with the general aesthetic running heavy on bows, flowers and things artfully applied with glitter, but the woman who runs it is very nice, I had a chat with her on either Tuesday or Wednesday when I discovered the place (Tuesday I think), and took Ma in there today for a look around if nothing else. And then Ma bought a couple of small bits and pieces.
From there we decided to hit IKEA. Because why not.
Mostly we just did the usual lap, I ran into someone I know slightly, we investigated various options for my DnD storage needs... and also maybe a new laptop desk, but that's less likely to be a thing. And I just generally enjoyed the various IKEA aesthetics that are totally my jam.
We did grab a few bits and pieces... nothing exciting, just useful stuff or stuff we've been meaning to pick up for a while.
We also got some food there and, for a change, I wasn't completely disappointed, which was nice.
Afterwards we swung past Haighs, only to discover that they're making the factory store over (which is probably well overdue), but that means that half the store is closed off and everything is a bit cuckoobananapants as a result.
And that was that.
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