Okay, so parts of this week kind of crept up on me.
Starting at the beginning, I made a fairly decent stew on Sunday, but to allow it to cook for long enough, I put it in the oven around 1:30pm and didn't take it out until after 7:30pm... so the meat was pretty damn tender.
Then I ended up running all three DnD games I was involved in this week... it wasn't necessarily supposed to be like that, but I've gotten into the habit of running on Mondays, mostly due to the cute Canadian dude who keeps showing up, and I ran his first game for him, and he's a fun player... and he's cute.
Wednesday I had two of the boys who haven't been around for a while in my group... so as much as I like being in a game with them, I like running for them. Plus nobody else was standing up and saying they'd run.
And Thursday I ran for my usual group, and as always, the adventure that killed the whole party when I played it, they essentially made it through without much drama. Yes, it's partly because I don't have that killer instinct, I don't WANT to kill off their characters, because I know how much that fucking sucks. I maybe need to go a little harder, make them think they are going to die (the characters that is) before I have them finish triumphantly.
Taking a slight left turn for a second, one of the things I always kid Ma about is that if I say to her "oh, I've been looking for this thing, but I can't find one anywhere", she will at times go out of her way to go and look for or find said item... and sometimes it's just something that I just want to consider, and sometimes I have to tell her to just not obsess over things.
And weirdly, I've had three separate conversations with three different people during the last week (or so), and I have realised that I'm doing the exact same thing in all three cases.
Fortunately one is being received with an appropriate level of engagement, one is a practical thing that will resolve easily and the third is something that I need to sit on my hands about until (or even if) the other party comes back to me for further discussions. It's weird that it's something I've been doing since forever, but I never really made the connection between that and Ma until this week, and in turn realised that the third instance absolutely requires a large amount of hand sitting.
Also, there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, let alone driven across in a bulldozer wrapped in high explosives. So there's that.
Otherwise I absolutely forgot that this week was both my haircut and my chiro appointment (since the two have synced up to the same week). I mean, I remembered in time to go to both things, but I forgot that this week was the week for them both.
The haircut went exactly the same as always... good chat, short hair, silver-ish colour.
Likewise the chiro appointment was much the same... thankfully my back was in a better state than the last time I went.
Today I was on my own for the supermarket portion of the morning... Ma's haircut seems to also have synced up with mine, at least I think it has... maybe it was just this time.
I hit a bit of a wall yesterday in the "what fucking soup do I want to make?" arena... but after some random Googling I decided on chicken and corn chowder. So we'll see how that goes since I've never made chowder before (if you don't count my tuna mornay, which I guess is kind of like a chowder).
Otherwise there was some shopping, and it was all a bit average to be honest.
When Ma came down we didn't really have a plan, so we did the new version of "wandering around Arndale", which is going to Big W, then Target, then calling it a day.
Which is what we did.
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