
photo saturday: port and starboard

mooring lineroof shed

stone peakriver rope
Remember how I mentioned/complained that it was hot last weekend... well, this week started off incredibly humid but there were actually points where I put on a hoodie. Granted I was wearing shorts at the time, but still... a hoodie.

I DMed all my games this week... there's a new epic coming up, and like last time, I wanted to ensure that people had actually played adventures in that location, so last week, this week and next week I'm running a trilogy of modules... which essentially means I ran the same thing three times this week, and will run Part 2 next week and finish it up the week before the epic.

And I managed to have NPCs flirt with players at each of my tables... because why the fuck not.

I also managed to find that thing I said last week might not actually exist... turns out it exists at Officeworks... white board tape. As in tape that is made of white board material. So there was some crafting that happened this week...

Oh, and weirdly I got a text from The Nut House on Wednesday morning... asking if I'd be interested in a job. A relatively junior, seemingly temporary job. I turned it down. Could I have done with the money, fuck yes, and whereas last time I was a whole world of "yes, give me that sweet, sweet job", this time every part of me was "nope, nope, nope, nope". It was sweet of them to think of me, and it would have been super easy to just slide on back, but it absolutely wasn't something I wanted.

Those may be words I regret later, but... yeah.

Otherwise, the week wasn't much of anything.

Today I totally forgot that Ma had a haircut booked... and I got up early and tidied the apartment up, so at least that was a thing. But then I went shopping on my own.

Which was fine.

When I got back I had time to put everything away and watch some stuff on YouTube before Ma arrived.

Neither of us really had any grand plans... Ma wanted to take a trip to Kmart, I wanted to look at something in Officeworks... so we did that. But it turned out that while the storage device I wanted would fix A4 paper, it wouldn't fit A4 paper inside the display folders I use for me DnD stuff... so that was annoying. Fortunately I figured that out BEFORE we left the store, not afterwards.

Then, because we weren't that far away, we decided to go and wander around IKEA, because why not. It did mean that I could grab some relatively cheap magazine files (you know, the ones with the diagonal) to stash everything in for now.

That was really about it though... we did have some (as always mostly disappointing but cheap) food there though, then called it a day.

But I don't really mind the slow weekends... especially since it's two weeks until Fringe starts...

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